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Jordanelle Rpt. 7-7-03
Well fellow fisherpeople,

I guess I've lost the knack. Several years ago I was able to go to Jordanelle and catch all the big guys(small mouth) I could handle. Early on it was from shore! Getting old and lossing my touch? I just spent a full day fishing hard from my tube and caught a zillion perch and only a few bass (largest 14in.). Bud and I had a good time with him swimming all day but not nearly as fish successful as I had hoped. It was in the 90's, pretty calm, forgot to measure water temp. Had to be in the 60's. A tolerable amount of boating. Am getting more tollerant. None of the perch were good size, kept a few for dinner. Fished shallow, points, bays, deeper water, etc. Don't have a fish finder so don't really know what's underneath, but fished my normal productive areas. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong may help.

We fished up there today as well. We didn't have too productive of a day either. I wonder if the "cool" front that passed today had an effect on the fish. We caught a few small smallies, a couple nice fat trout, one 13 inch perch (biggest I've ever seen) a bunch of smaller perch, and a few chubs. The trout were caught trolling with a worm, fished down about 35 feet. I should be up there again on Thurs, I sure hope the fishing is better.
Hey leaky, the trick is cutting down the perch population. You gonna join us for the perch party on the 1st and 2nd? We'd love to have ya there.

GOOD FISHIN TO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I'm in town I'll drop by! I may be on the Snake then.

Last sat the new lake record smallie(offical) was caught, it weight 7lbs 3oz. I was told it was weighted, measured, and shown to the fish cops for offical classification. Caught on a senko.

Fishing at Jordanelle is slow right because of an over abundance of bait fish evrywhere. I saw this when I was up there fri/sat. Trout ,Perch , and big Smallies were crashing schools of itty-bitty buggers all day long.

I was at the Snake River mon,tues, and weds last week. Up at Milner Res in Burley. I got a tournment at CJ Strike this weekend. I think I'll just throw senkos-texas,carolina, and wacky all weekend.

If you want info on how to fish senkos, go to: [url ""][/url]

This is from the Yamamoto people.
Jason Jensen caught the 7.3 smallie and I netted it! It had a 17" girth and was freaking huge! We will see you on CJ. Strike this weekend! Let's go get them river smallies!
How did that official record work. Unless the fish cops were there when it was caught. Cause according to the rules it had to be immediately released and if it was put in the livewell and taken to the fish cops, shouln't they have gotten a ticket with the official record for not releasing it immediatley. Just wondering cause i don't know.
[url ""][/url]
I knew all that the part i was questioning was the part where it was shown to the fish cops.
Bringing this back to top.

Was poncho's question ever answered? Sounds like an interesting question to me! Doesn't this question apply to Bass Tournements also when there are rules about releasing fish over 12 inches, etc.? I knowq for a fact that the Wyo. DWR folks are trying to inforce this on pre tournament folks that catch big guys and move them to their favorit hole for tournemt fishing at Flaming Gorge. Real tough to inforce thgiugh!!! [Sad]

By the way - UTBASS and Jason - great fish and congratulations, hope you get another soon. Don't missunderstand us asking this question - nothing against what you guys did, just curious about some of the DWR rules that have interpretation problems. I assume inforcement by the DWR has some common sense leeway.


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