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Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir
Just added pic's of Scott's 3#ers

Had a fair day with 6 trout 2 over 3#'s.
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Great pics. I wish that lake was nearer to me. I would be trying to figure out the walleyes.

2 years ago when the perch were good I caught a few walleye while perch fishing, but there are those who do go for walleye and do well, mostly at night in a secluded bay.
Great pictorial! Thanks for the shots!
I like all your home made modifications. Looks like you have as much fun getting geared up as you do fishing.
Yes I do like to tinker. I think TD has rubed off on me with the PVC. I also added pics of Scott 2 3#ers.
I like your mods, especially the rod holder off the sled. I am curious about how well the PVC holds up in the cold. I know it shatters if water freezes in it since I had a garden sprinkler setup and it froze one night. It looked like someone had put an M-80 in it with pieces 15' away.
It did well for me all last year, if something should break it wont cost much to fix

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