01-03-2010, 04:22 PM
Fed's need to get this under control
01-03-2010, 05:50 PM
Hey bassass it's a dead link
01-03-2010, 06:10 PM
ok gess I aint with it today LOL
01-04-2010, 04:15 AM
really would like to know were..me and my dad were going to go to u.p snowshoe hunting in a few weeks..dont need no dead dogs..is it that bad?
01-04-2010, 01:17 PM
01-04-2010, 02:18 PM
I have never understood some people.
They choose to live in the wilderness where there are bear, cyotes, fox, bobcats, mountian lions, badgers, linx, owls, hawks, eagles, falcons, skunks, coons, groundhogs, wild pigs and not forgetting the wolves and they chain up their pet foo foo out side and leave them unattended. Then they cry wolf when a preditor dicides to come across the property line and hunt the chained up pup. Cityfied people are ignorant when it come to living in the wild. I mean no disrespect to any one, but they realy are... We see this more down here in south east michigan only because we have more Cityfied prople. Every week some one is screaming wolf because their beloved pet foo foo got chomped by a fox or owl or a cyote because they leave thier pup unatended out side thier million dollar mantion they built in the middle of the woods 10 miles outside the city. Every week someone looses a pet, I do understand their greif, but lashing out at the wild life because it invades thier property line makes no sence at all. And ya, when pet gets mauled or eaten tv cameras start rolling as if it is something so shocking. Maybe it is just me, maybe I had the benifit of living on a farm as a child 20 miles outside of town and was taught that nature is what it is. And if you dont give it the respect that it is owed then you can expect to loose every time. I have seen some realy strage things in the wilderness, There was one summer where I had to fight off a 10 point buck because it kept comming in the yard and starting a fight with my beagle. Every day for about a month this deer would come in the yard and lower its head bearing its antlers snort and stomp the ground just feet away from my beagle that was chained up. I had to go out every day to break up the fight and a cople times the deer turned on me with its pissed off mood. I finaly put an end to the nonsence with a loaded shot gun. I went out and let some bird shot fly up in the air ...... Gotta run, be back to finish after a cople hours of ice fishing [signature]
01-04-2010, 02:30 PM
Dave same thing up here ...we have a few bears in the area around my place. people say shoot them ..i dont understand it ..move if you can live with the wild life...i watch the bears and deer out the back window and love it
01-05-2010, 12:07 AM
I am back, just walked in and saw a post got wacked just as I clicked on it... lol
It must have been a good one if it got wacked before I got to it. [laugh] I agree with ya, why move in to the wild if ya dont like the wild? back to my story, I let off a couple rounds of bird shot in to the air, back then we used bird shot to kill off starlings near the corn feilds so the gun was always loaded and sittin right beside the door. I had to do that about three days before the deer learnt to keep his distance from the dog. Still that deer came by every day at the same time for a couple more weeks but at a distance. The last 3 times he came out he had a doe and a fawn with him. my little brother has a pitbull, and when it come to going out side, some times he bolts out the door, and other times when he wants to go out he will sit there and wimper even after you open the door. That pitbull knows when the cyotes are outside and when they are he will sit at the front door and water the carpet if you dont put a leash on him and walk him out and back. the other one that gets me is the people who think their dog only barks when he wants to come in to the house. Dogs bark for all sorts of reasons wich is to my point, When the dog barks you look to see what is the matter. My point is you wouldnt leave a 5 year old girl to play unattended in the streats of the city of detroit and expect nothing to happen. Then why would that same person feel it was safe to tie up a pet out side in the wilderness and expect nothing to happen? back in the olden daze, farmers used to tie up live sheep in the middle of a feild and shoot off wolves and cyotes as they came in. that system worked so well it virtualy wiped out wolves and cyotes pumas and mountain lions.. No better bait than a live animal tied up in the wilderness. There is a cyote that lives right across the street from me half mile down the road. I see him about 3 times a year, I even found his den. Most of them have never seen the cyote and dont beleive me when I tell them he is there. They laugh at me when I tell them to keep thier cats well fed and in the house. There are lots of things out there that like to eat cats and poodles, not just cyotes, but owls and hawks have been known to fly off with a kittypoo here and there. These same people dont beleive me when I tell them we have deer that walk through our neighborhood. I aint moved 3 miles in 50 years. It used to be beutiful country side, fishing holes galore. I could not walk out the front door of my house with out jumping half dozen phesants. Now I cant walk out the front door of my house with out getting sneered at by at least half dozen city dwelers... lol [:p][laugh] One thing I can say with cirtanty is; when it comes to the wilderness, city folk get dumber and dumber every day. I still get a chuckle when I think about the guy down by canton who shot a rattle snake because it was chasing him and his boy down a fishing trail in the middle of august.. he never did get why he had to pay a 500 dollar fine... I thought he got off easy.. they could have taken away his handgun permit, charged him with unlawful discharge of a firearm ect..... when I was a kid there used to be a 5 dollar bounty on rattlers, now there is a 500 fine for rattlers. That is because the loss of habitat has placed rattlers on the threatoned list. When I was a kid, we used to have to study nature in school, now the study computers, that in itself is well enuff, but the problem I am seeing is "every step forward we make in progress we step on and crush the things we need to survive in this world" if they had more wolves and pumas out west, granted there would be fewer deer and mountain goats to hunt but there would also be more deer and goats to hunt because there would be a shortage of CWD infected deer and goats.. If wolves and pumas are not there to clean up the heards and kill off these sick animals the desease is allowed to spread in these deer heards, and it dose so like wild fire. Can there be a ballance wild life and humans... Yes, humans need to understand and respect that this is the way life is in the wilderness and if they dont like the wilderness, then move to mars where there is no wilderness to bother them.. [signature]
01-05-2010, 02:47 AM
well said ...but the thing is the Dnr wont even say theres 600 or more wolfs in the Up just like the big cat's here in northern Michigan ..cuz most city folks are so damn dumb when it comes to the out doors it aint funny...like the ne guy that bitched me out for fishing a few bookies out in this ... spot ...told me i was going to kill all the fish... i said what you talkin bout ..he said we use barbless hooks and throw them back ...oh ya right wtf
01-06-2010, 12:12 AM
600 wolves sounds like a lot.
but when put in to perspective, we have in the mid summer any where from 1500 to 2000 elk in michigan. by fall there will be 10-15 percent less due to natural loss and lack of sustainable habitat. Wolves being at the top of the food chain suffer even greater loss, all tho they see most of thier loss during the harsh winters up there. they can loose any where from 50-75 % over a single winter. mostly elderly and the young that can not hunt or move or learned or forgotten how to survive the harsh eliments. anither thing is that has not been mentioned is that there are trappers who are trapping for the wolves, they cant mention it because again if the do they have animinal rights people on thier backs along with feds. They are caught and killed and studdied both inside and out from parisites to stomac content to what is going on inside their brains. Like the rouge deer that posed a threat to my beagle a rouge wolf is not destin to be with us much longer. Here is where the problem lays, if you tell one person to shoot and kill the offending animal, a hundred rednecks from the city will jump in the back of a pickup loaded for bear and kill every wolf in site to find the offending wolf that has left its natural behavour. one of the main causes of a wolf going rouge is other dogs, especialy large ones and more so males. What happens is a female wolf or cyote in heat will seek out a mate and it wont matter the breed if an available wolf is not found, It is those offspring that loose the fear of man. then you got the people who thow food out for them changing thier taist from deer rabbit and other wild life to live stock. There are so many things that intise these animals out of thier natural habitat and all of them are done by man. now on to the asian carp, [:p] gotta go find that post. [signature] |
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