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Vexilar ??
I am thinking about buying a vexilar and I could use a little advice. Should I get the FL20 or FL18 is it worth the extra money for the FL 20? Next what tranducer 12 deg or should I get 9 deg and 19 Deg ? I have never used a flasher before so any help would be great.
The big difference between the FL-18, and 20 is the flat more flat monitor on the 20. The idea is that you can see the screen from different angles on the Fl-20. You can buy a snow cover for the Fl-18 so that the screen doesn't fill with snow. This is what I did.

As far as which transducer to get you have to think about the depth that you fish at the most. The narrower the cone beam the better it is for deep water. The wide cone. The more expensive Vex and Marcum come with dual cone transducers so you can switch back and forth.

I love my vex but I would check out the Marcum and compare features for the money.

Another thing is really learn all of the features. Watch tutorials etc...

I have met many people lately who own a flasher but have no idea what it is really telling them.


I would like to share with you my 2 cents. First of all I have had a marcum 5 and I was not happy with it and a month later sold it on ebay. Then I went and bought the FL20 Vexlar and have loved it ever since. I do own an Fl 18 Vexlar that I bring along for partners or my sons. The things i like about the 20 over the 18 are: the duel cone is a must for fishing perch in 50-65 feet. The face screen is flush on it. Which means when it is snowing sideways it won't accumulate and block your view. It has a daylight and a nightlight which makes it brighter to see during sunny days. If I was to do it again I would buy another FL20. Just a tip if you do get one a three gallon frosting bucket works excellant for storing and transporting your vexlar. I fished today and i caught 5 rainbows, 1 brown, and 2 perch. I would say that if it wasn't for the vexlar I would have only caught 1 of these fish. So the real benefit is you can tease the fish into striking. It is quite fun for the challenge. I would estimate that it has increased my catch rate 7 to 1. Give me a report on what you buy and how you like it.
I haven't used them myself much, but after doing quite a bit of research on the Marcum LX-3 vs the Vexilar fl-18 I ordered the Marcum. I couldn't tell enough worthwhile difference from these to the next step up to justify the extra cost. However the Marcum does have the adjustable zoom so you can zoom anywhere in the water collum. The Vex only does the bottom 6-10 feet. The marcum also came w/ the battery charge indicator which you had to upgrade to the ultra pack on the vex for, it comes in a soft pack for transport plus it has extra power, which from many of the reviews seems to help it cut out interference. Overall the big difference is that to get the same package and option on the vexilar as what was standard on the marcum i would have to pay over $100 more. Basically the bang for your buck. One thing I found over and over on all the forums and research articles was the w/ either one you aren't likely to go wrong. One think I did find though was that there are almost no marcum's left available online at the moment. You might try Reeds sports in Minnesota. I heard they were getting some in soon. Also check out the ice fishing championship on the home page of the BFT page. It had some insite on the vex vs the marcum as well.
Where did you order the Marcum from?

Reeds Sporting goods in Walker Minnesota. I guess they're a pretty big store there. Minnesota's version of Bass Pro Shops or Cabela's w/ a strong ice fishing influence.
Ya, that's where I ordered my Vex from.

I just ordered a Vexlar FL-18 Ultra, but it is on backorder. Every where I looked, even the manufacture sites show out of stock. Guess I will have to see what happens.
Thanks everyone for the advice. I just ordered the vexilar Fl 20 ultra, mine is also on back order I hope it gets here before the ice melts.
You guys will be pleased with a Vex whether it is the 8 or the 20 or in between. I have the Fl 12 and would rather leave my auger at home than it. I have also heard alot of good about the Marcum but not alot of good about the Humminbird. Keep us posted on how it works for you.
Love your signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have the FL 18 Ultra pack, have had it for a couple of years now, I have had a lot of fun with it also. i do need to get the lens cover still, but other than that no complaints.
I think it will be great. I talked to a guy on Ririe a few times who was using an FL-18SE. He showed me how it works and explained quite a bit about it. I was impressed with the way you could see his lure. I liked the sun shield more than the flat screen of the 20. I would be using it in my pop-up more than likely, so the snow is no issue there. I went with the Ultra because of the larger battery and battery meter along with the external charging. Hope the manufacture gets it in gear and starts shipping. I looked at the page tonight and they are even sold out of reconditioned Vexlar's. Wrong time of year to get them I guess.
I would go ahead and get the snow shield. It is clear doesn't hurt anything. You will want it when things get slow in the pop-up and you want to go out and explore holes.

Got my Marcum LX-3 in today! Read through the owners manual, tried the demo mode briefly, then headed for the Shelly pond since I figured I'd never make Ririe before dark. The flasher performed fine. Found out that that thing is at least 26 ft deep. Was able to see my lures just fine. Don't know how it works on fish though. Never saw one on the screen and never got a nibble in the 45 minutes I was there. Oh well. I also noted that it is dead silent w/ the transducer in the water. There's a light hum when you take it out, but otherwise I never noted any sound from it. I'm off to work for the next few so guess it goes on the shelf until Sunday or Monday. Maybe I can get a real test out of it then.
Still waiting for mine to ship [:/]

Congrats tho, hope it works well for ya.
I would like to see your Marcum in action. I am planning on getting another flasher before next year. I have four kids and another one on the way. My oldest is always stealing my vex out of my hole when I'm not looking.

lol, sounds like a smart kid. I noticed you were planning on heading to Ririe on Monday. Perhaps we can meet up in the morning and you can show me how to fish for perch w/ a flasher and I can let you test my new toy out. Let me know when you'll be there.

I broke down and ordered the Marcum VX-1 from Fleet and Farm. The lady said I got the last one they had in stock. I would have really liked the LX-3 but I could not find one in stock anywhere. If it shows up before Monday you can try it out alongside your Vexlar.

I think my new Vexlar FL-12 is the best thing since sliced bread..[Wink]If the fish are there I see them. If the fish is hugging the bottom..I see them...Good stuff.[cool]

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