01-13-2010, 05:22 PM
Is BFT a LDS website it seems anytime someone says or has an opinoin and adult language it gets erased or deleted.Anyone else notice this?
01-13-2010, 05:22 PM
Is BFT a LDS website it seems anytime someone says or has an opinoin and adult language it gets erased or deleted.Anyone else notice this?
01-13-2010, 05:25 PM
welcome to utah. lmao didnt used to be 5 yrs ago.
01-13-2010, 05:33 PM
My argument is, "Does it matter"?
Really- isn't there enough crap out there to suit people's needs? To me it's refreshing to see a forum that applies some sort of value system to it's already high integrity. LDS or not. [signature]
01-13-2010, 05:53 PM
[quote lavaman]My argument is, "Does it matter"?
Really- isn't there enough crap out there to suit people's needs? To me it's refreshing to see a forum that applies some sort of value system to it's already high integrity. LDS or not.[/quote] AMEN! [angelic] [angelic] [signature]
01-13-2010, 05:53 PM
There are lots of sites that will delete comments they do not like. Hell, even Youtube, and facebook do it!!
The truth is as a manager of a site you want to keep as many people reading as possible. So removing potentially offensive material is just standard. And besides, does it really matter over all?? [signature]
01-13-2010, 05:54 PM
Well as many would testify,, am anything but LDS, never been or would be.
I smoke, drink, suck down coffee like a mad man, cuss more than a sailor on a date with a hooker, and at times spit. I wouldnt change any of that even if the sky was to fall on me. But, I do respect children and others so I try hard not to step to far out of line while on the web because one never knows when a child is reading. So is BFT an LDS site?,, huh?,, I dont care.... [signature]
01-13-2010, 05:54 PM
I don't think so.
If you want to use foul language, there is a UT fishing website for that. They even advertise on this website and say on their ad that explicit language is used there. Only opinions that are insulting or make accusations directed at someone else are moderated. This website is fine for what it is. Family friendly, fisher friendly, well used and full of good fishing information. If you were looking for something else, this may not be it. [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:01 PM
It's and age old problem. Even five years ago the mods tried to keep the site as non offensive as possible.
Lots of kids and women frequent the site so there is an effort to keep things clean. Every few months there is a thread about how some folks can't use the language they would like, censorship, and opinion censoring. It has always been here in various forms. It's just the way it is. A few years ago a group broke off and started their own board. You can use any language, opinion, and theories you would like there. It's kind of like a freeformfishing type place. If you like to use color to express yourself, that site is probably the place for you. But be warned...there aren't many posts on that site...it really never got going very well. It's a free internet...find a place that suits your groove! IceAndFly [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:03 PM
[quote Coldfooter]But, I do respect children and others so I try hard not to step to far out of line while on the web because one never knows when a child is reading. [/quote]
I believe Don's right on - when most of today's kids are only into video games, texting and tweeting, getting them into the outdoors and fishing is one of the best things that could happen to them. Guys and ladies on this site that take their kids fishing are awesome, in my mind. My kids use this site, and I'm glad they can do it without being exposed to too much of the adult world. [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:13 PM
That is respected, Don. I wish others would share that same attitude. Thanks!
01-13-2010, 06:15 PM
For the record, the owner of this site lives in Colorado, and I've heard him cuss on my boat before! Probably drank caffine too. I didn't ask him about any magic underwear or anything though.[laugh] The church has no direct influence to my knowledge.
There's a whole lot of very thin skin both using and moderating this site. So, like anything else, you can always leave or turn the channel. There's some sites that are just blatantly rude and crude if that's your style. Most are somewhere in between. You just have to learn which play ground you are entering, and go with the flow. That's pretty plain around here, gosh darn it. It's managed just like the flippin' fisheries in Utah, "family fisheries." Anything else would be a sin. [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:21 PM
[quote Tarponjim]
I didn't ask him about any magic underwear or anything though.[laugh] .[/quote] ROTFLMAO.![ ![]() [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:42 PM
I'm a former newspaper editor and if you want to hear people who are skilled and creative at swearing, hang out for awhile with those who craft words for a living.
That being said, I don't have a lot of respect for people who think that profanity needs to punctuate every sentence. I certainly don't think children need to be exposed to vulgarity in public. Unfortunately, there have been several instances while fishing that I have felt the need to move my wife, children or grandchildren because people around us were using foul, vile language and loudly discussing subjects that were inappropriate for a public venue. It is a matter of common decency--not religion--that there should be refuges from those who think life revolves around four-letter words and bathroom humor. [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:43 PM
Very well said!
01-13-2010, 06:45 PM
Wow I mostly meant whenever theres an argument people cant voice there opinions without bieng silenced. Also I dont really see too many kids posting on here. I dont mean people swearing just to swear. It just seems if there is a disagreement people get there panties in a wad and President Monson puts his fist down
01-13-2010, 06:46 PM
I agree with others on this one. It does not matter what religion you are, you should hold your self in an appropriate manner that would allow all those surrounding you to feel comfortable. This is a family site and we need to remember that kids are watching and that is perhaps the biggest benefit of the site.....getting the next generation involved. We should handle ourselves like adults should behave, not as society behaves, but as good, hard-working people helping each-other should behave. Just my $.02, Shawn M [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:52 PM
I, for one, really appreciate the cleanliness of the language on the site. You don't have to be LDS to be opposed to that kind of language. There are people all over the world, LDS or not, religious or not, that have the same values when it comes to this topic.
However, I do find it kind of funny when people in Utah see something that is clean or promoting high morals, family values, etc and they automatically assume that it is controlled by LDS people. There are a lot of LDS people here, so simply playing the odds there is a good chance someone there is LDS, but that doesn't mean that their faith controls this website. Just be glad there is somewhere both you and your kids (or anyone's kids) can go to get some great fishing information, learn a bit more, and get hooked (pun intended) on fishing without having to worry about the very strong language or even more troubling posts on some other sites. I have seen others that have 'off topic' boards that are full of porn and other garbage with very little to keep underage people out. [signature]
01-13-2010, 06:53 PM
The kids on here are here to look at pics and read a few posts. They aren't going to post a huge thing for all to read. Kids read books, but seldom write many.
I think that arguement is healthy, but at the same time if you can't give your point without cussing, perhaps you didn't have a strong point to begin with. [signature]
01-13-2010, 07:14 PM
The guidelines for BFT were established by the owner(s) of the site not the moderators for Utah or any other state. Here are some excerpts from those rules:
"By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, violate any copyright or trademark, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, violation of any laws or contain ideas, thoughts or comments that you do not wish to have made public." "While navigating and posting on the forums, use the same basic rules of etiquette that you would in real life. Insults or criticism on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. are not welcome or acceptable. There is a difference between healthy debate and personal attacks. Remember that communication is the purpose of all forums." As moderators we are instructed to see that these rules are followed. As far as your LDS observation. To my knowledge one moderator is LDS, I believe two are not and I do not know nor care about the religion or lack thereof of the remaining moderator. [signature]
01-13-2010, 07:16 PM
I think everyone has already weighed in with some pretty good comments on the profanity issue.
I just checked and there are currently 168,568 opinions on the Utah Fishing General forum alone. This site is all about opinions. Disagreements and arguments are common. But most of the people who have found this site and participate are pretty passionate about hunting and fishing, and usually have some pretty strong opinions, that's fine too. But this forum or any other one for that matter needs a couple moderaters, so that when disagreements turn to arguments, that they don't get out of control. I'm sure most anybody has said things they wish they could erase when they got into a heated debate. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to keep this site as friendly and respectful as possible. How much good information would get exchanged if we all hated each other and showed no respect? If friendliness and respect are values only practiced by the LDS religion then maybe we all better convert for the sake of humanity. [signature] |
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