01-16-2010, 03:45 AM
any body gonna be there on saturday morning?
ririe tomorrow?
01-16-2010, 03:45 AM
any body gonna be there on saturday morning?
01-16-2010, 04:02 AM
I will be there. Come say hi.
01-16-2010, 04:36 AM
where will you be at ? im thinking about heading to the pillar at the damn tomorrow. see if i cant find some perch.
01-16-2010, 04:45 AM
out past the rock pile or down by the line.
01-16-2010, 05:08 AM
I was thinking of heading towards the pillar. We always do really good over there trolling but haven't ever bothered to walk over there. Our plan is to start out by the drop off near the ramp and if nothing happens there we are heading towards the pillar. We will be in two blue comand posts. Do you have any stickers left? I am taking my four wheeler up there so I'll come say hi.
01-16-2010, 05:34 AM
More likely just after noon for me. Northwest just off the ramp or by the line and on foot. Will most likely set up my black Cabelas shelter.
I would like 2 or 3 stickers if you have any left. [signature]
01-16-2010, 05:33 PM
i have a few stickers left. what is the line? im not sure what you guys call the line.
01-16-2010, 07:06 PM
The line is the one mile boundary where you have to stop fishing . The rest of the reservior is closed to fishing . Curt G.
01-16-2010, 11:49 PM
How thick is the ice. I would like to take my Artic Cat Prowler up to get around. I don't want to go for a swim. Thanks for any information
01-17-2010, 12:39 AM
i know about the one mile thing but i did not know it was called the line. i never made it up today to much stuff around the house. you guys know the honey do list? yeah but i will be there tomorrow for sure im leaving bright and early and i will be all over ririe probably doing more talking than fishing and yes i have some stickers to give out so if you want one and i run into you better say something.
01-17-2010, 02:28 AM
The ice is plenty thick. There has been four wheelers all over the ice, just try to stay on old tracks. There was a couple of spots with slush on top of the ice that are kinda scary.
01-17-2010, 05:11 AM
Is an Arcticat Prowler a snowmobile? If so snowmobiles are illegal at Ririe. The F&G officers that I have talked to say that rule was made because people were going up lake on their snowmobiles and chasing the elk, knocking their horns off with bats etc... They explained that snowmobiles can climb the hills in the canyon where fourwheelers can not get out of the canyon to chase the elk.
Windriver [signature]
01-17-2010, 05:15 AM
Never mind. I will leave that post up for anyone who didn't know snowmobiles are illegal at Ririe.
I see that the Arctic Cat Prowler is one of those side by side two person quads. Windriver [signature]
01-17-2010, 09:17 AM
Artic Cat made Prowler snowmobiles in the 90s. I wish that they would fine and take the snowmobiles of people who do obvious law breaking by chasing the elk for their antlers. Another example where a few bad apples hurt us all. Any people or vehicles going past the boundary line should be fined or at least given a warning. From the parking lot it looked like the boundary signs were up today. That kind thinking is like no hunting with guns if someone used one to poach an animal. I understand why they did it but the whole open area is easy to view from the parking lot. They could add another 1/4 mile to the open area and still see it. There is no reason to drive an ATV over 20mph like I saw this afternoon zipping all over just to drive somewhere. Law breakers will do it no mater what rule you have in place, Like hunting in Yellowstone. I would like to be able to use a snowmobile at Ririe. It would give me a reason to register it to use it on public land. I will now get off my soap box. And by the way I didn't have a bite from 2-4:30 today.
01-17-2010, 02:25 PM
Saturday must have been a slow day on Ririe. We went out late in the afternoon and did not get a single bite. The few guys we talked to did not do very good either. Some of them had been out all day. Where are the perch we thought we would at least pick up a few but nothing? I wish the Marcum VX-1 that I ordered had shown up we could have at least seen if there were any fish passing through. Maybe next time will be better.
SteelFisher [signature]
01-17-2010, 03:23 PM
It was quite slow for everyone. Friday we did good limiting on kokes and 9 perch. Saturday, not one koke, but ended up with 12 pretty decent perch. Most people around us landed very few kokes. Seemed the people farther out in deeper water and away from people were the only ones that got into any kokes, but even those were catching very few. We did not see one group come through on the fish finder. I fished from around 10-5.
I don't imagine the guys on the 4 wheeler doing 40mph back and forth across the res helped much. The drunk guys on the 4 wheeler, all 6 of them, 4 on the 4 wheeler and 2 on the sleds, that dumped their sled all over the ice was quite entertaining tho. I think I am done going up there on Saturday. The last few weeks I have noticed Friday's are ok for fish and people, but Saturday's are getting to be a nightmare with the people and no fish. F&G need to open up some more ice so people can spread out. Closing it down to the one mile mark just because of a few people is wrong in my opinion. Punish the people who broke the law, not everyone. There is a F&G officer that lives right there above the reservoir who can watch things. There were around 20 sleds at the end of the road Saturday. Kind of hard to believe that closing the ice would stop people from riding across the fields to get to the elk. I guess that is the way things work now days. Same thing because of 9-11. Close all the dams and fishing areas around the dams because of a few terrorists. PS: Kentd71, I think you were the one with the 6x12 Cabela's shack setup just off the dock with a couple of small children? We were out a little farther with the red Eskimo and the Black Rubi. I guess I should walk my lazy butt over and say hi more often. I also seen the 6x12 Command Post set up towards the private dock. I am sure that was someone on here also. [signature]
01-17-2010, 10:41 PM
By one persons count there were 307 people on the ice yesterday. That is just too many people for one mile of ice. The pressure has got to be having an effect on the fishing. We really need to lobby to open up some more water. It would not hurt the wildlife especially if they opened up just the part you can see from the top of the hill. If they banned moving vehicles on the ice and opened it up a little for those of us willing to walk I just don't see what that would hurt.
It is just so close to our house that I hate having to go on long expeditions to get to better fishing. Windriver [signature]
01-18-2010, 12:32 AM
how do we get the ball rolling on it im down to help.
01-18-2010, 12:39 AM
I like the idea. I think they could open the whole reservoir to ice fishing and put a 1 mile limitation on vehicles. Park at the line and walk tilll your heart is content or to tired to go any farther, which ever comes first.
01-18-2010, 01:25 AM
I'm not a biologist or anything like that, but I can't see how people on foot on the ice could hurt much. Are they worried about horn hunters getting up there too early?
I guess we have to find out what the real issues are. Then figure out a way to address the issues while at the same time keeping poachers and the people who harass the wildlife in check. I guess the first step is finding out who to talk to about what the issues are. Windriver [signature] |
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