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Utah Lake Ice?
My boy scouts want to go hiking across Utah Lake this Saturday. I checked the ice about 50 yards outside of Lincoln Beach harbor and it was 14 inches thick. I know that Saratoga harbor is melted, and the lake is open water near the major inlets on the east side.

Are there certain other places to avoid? We were thinking more around the south end. Lincoln beach west across Goshen bay perhaps, or first to Bird Island?

I read a fishing report where a guy said his dog fell through the ice over a hotspring near lincoln beach. That sounds scary, but where we wandered around out there the other day it was rock solid.

We were thinking of taking the klondike sled, with ropes, poles, floatation devices, etc, and even wearing life jackets "just in case."

Any input would be helpful.

Darren (new)
make sure you have people on both sides of the lake who are not going to cross it.

they will be your life line.

make sure you know how many miles it is.

make sure you take hand wormers because some one will not dress properly.

remember not to travel at a speed that will cause a sweat. if you do you will freeze before you get across.

if posible, get a snowmobile to cross it before you attempt walking it. the tracks will give you a better walking serface if there is snow.

if there is no snow make sure every one is wearing cleets,

make sure every one has a walking stick longer than they are tall.
This lake is several miles across. I wouldn't chance it. The lower elevation lakes are getting bad ice now. If you really want to hike a lake head to the higher country such as schofield, strawberry, Pineview, etc...

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