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Jacksonville Florida Redfish
Large schools of Redfish continue to patrol the backwater creek systems here in Jacksonville Florida. Since the water temperature is cold, the packs of redfish are usually hunkered down along oyster beds. It can be pretty easy fishing, or I should say "catching" once the schools are located.
Last week during the last of the falling and first of the incoming tides I had outstanding trips of over 35 redfish each day. We were able to sight cast to several reds in shallow water using soft plastics and fished deeper holes and drop-offs on the higher water with quarter once jigs with mud minnows and shrimp. Wednesday I had the opportunity to fish with a longtime client and friend Kelly Stacy and two of his business partners. We fished two spots all day and went through 7 dozen mud minnows and 4 dozen shrimp. We lost count of all the redfish we caught. Most fish were 19 to 25 inches with a dozen or so well over the 27" slot. Good times!

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