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i know that anchovies are used to catch strippers at lake powell think a chovie under a float would catch a wiper ? being that they are half striper anyone ever try something so off the wall lets hear what you guys think
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[cool]Down in Texas and Oklahoma, wipers pick up chunks of chovy fished on the bottom for cats. So, I guess they might munch on one hanging in front of their faces.
Minnows or anchovies suspended below a bobber is a good rig for northerns in some waters. I'm betting that when the wipers are feeding that they would at least give it a try.
I might suggest a slip bobber rig, that you can adjust to try different depths. Most fish will rise a ways to take a suspended bait, but if you are fishing below their comfort zone, they will seldom go down to grab it. Use your sonar to get a read on their holding depth and then fish just slightly above it.
I suspect that if you serve up a suspended 'chovy the wipers will let you know whether or not they approve. Although, during a wide open bite, I doubt I would have the patience to watch a bobber when I could be catching fish on the cast.
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thanks for the input dude i'm still planning on fishing willard wednesday night maybe i'll take some along with a "lighted" float and drift it behind my tube
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I have tryed that because I was thinking the same way. I tryed it back in june. the only thing I hook with them were cats. my frind did get one wiper with them but he trolled with it. he had some thing he got for trolling bait from cabalas. hope this helps
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]nomoose, a standard nose harness used on anchovies is a typical set up for Salmon on the west coast. There is no reason why it wouldn't work for wipers BUT why go to all the trouble? Fisherman are always looking for that magic bait but I would guess that any of the standard wiper lures work just as good if not better on the troll.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Aquaman, I am sure cut bait on wipers will work. We use anchovies on Lake Mead with great success on land locked stripers BUT why go to all the hassle of cut bait on your tube? If you get into a hot bite do you really want to hassle with bait when almost any lure in your box will get hit? I think the set up, as TD described, will work but why put up with the hassle? Chuck those topwater lures, lipless cranks, spinnerbaits, or curly tail grubs and I believe you'll come out just as well without the hassle of dealing with cut bait, plus you won't have to hassle with the cats messin' with your line. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]When wipers decide to go on the feed they'll hit just about anything and when they aren't you might as well pack it up because nothing, including cut bait is going to work. JMHO...[/size][/font]
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BLM you are the voice of reason as allways
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Just a side note on anchovies. Went to Powell last year and threw out cut anchovies for cats from camp in the back of Halls. Caught a bunch of smallmouth and largemouth bass and a few channels on them. It was really strange. One smallie was over three pounds and we caught a greenie pushing five. My babies were acting very dumb that day. Will wonders never cease.
Good Bait Fishing, Kayote
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that is strange
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Anchovies work best at Lake Powell when the stripers are inactive. And for the past few years that's been most of the time (except during boils) since the shad were pretty depleted. But this year there are more shad, the stripers are bigger, and they want a bigger, active bait. When fish are inactive and negative, you can usually entice them to bite by dangling a sweet treat in front on their noses. But when they're active and feeding, they want something more substantial.