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A Bust At Bear Lake … Literally
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][#002850]Dan (a friend) and I decided to take advantage of the “calm before the storm” and do some mack jigging up over the rock pile today. We left Layton at 3:00 AM to get in a good hour of fishing in the dark with glow tubes.

When we arrived at the marina, the wind was non-existent. The flags on the flag poles hung limp. I thought “man, we have hit the jack pot!”.

We backed the boat down the ramp only to find 10 feet of 2” ice up against the ramp leading to open marina water. No big deal, just back her up on the ice till she drops through. That actually worked just fine.
As far as we could see, there was a path of open still water all the way out to the main lake with just a few tight spots to avoid.

Generally, the marina is the place you have to worry about getting around ice and the main lake is the open water area. Not today … the closer to the channel we got, the more ice we had to deal with. No problem, I’ve done this plenty of times so here we go … a little ice bustin’ never hurt anyone. So, we are busting ½ inch ice that quickly becomes ¾ inch thick ice that the further we went became 1 inch ice. But hey, it’s got to become open soon right? Nope … 1 ¼ inch, then we are into 1 ½ inch thick ice and the front of the boat is on top of the ice more than in the water! We had traveled out into the main lake a good half mile and it was clear that it wasn’t going to get any better any time soon. It was ice as far as our spot light could shine. So we decided to call it off and head back. That’s easier said than done! I tried to bust some ice with my foot to make a big enough area to turn the boat around but couldn’t break the ice at all. I was locked in to a point where the only thing we could do is go forward and make a large loop back to return to the “beaten” path. So with a fair amount of motor power we busted our way back to our original trail. On our way back to the marina, the ice had already started to freeze over our path.

An hour later, we were back in the marina and loaded the boat for the drive back home.

That is only the second time in all the years that I have had driven up to Bear Lake to go fishing and not been able to. I really was looking forward to some mack fishing with my friend Dan. But it wasn’t to be. I’ll give it a few more weeks to warm up a bit when I am certain that I can freely boat to any spot I want.

We might have been able to launch over on the east side but we had already missed the fishing in the dark that I so badly wanted. And, as far as I could tell, that inch thick + ice appeared to extend all the way to the rock pile. There is a good chance that that was just an optical illusion, but being so tired from getting up so early, we decided to call it quits and head home. Dan agreed to take an “ice check” and give it another try in a couple weeks.
That is a long drive to not be able to get any fishing in. That is really too bad.
Wow Ralph, lucky you didn't get stuck in that ice out away from the marina. That could have been ugly and mighty dangerous.
Bummer,[:/] better luck next time . You must a tuff boat to
go ice bust'n like that.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080]BUMMER Guy's:: Thats a lot of work and time put in. Mother Nature will RULL at will.[/#000080][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080] Glad to hear your back safe, and already planning for your next marithon.. On Big Blue. [/#000080][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080] Thats one way to scrub clean the under side of one's boat. [:p][/#000080][/font]

no way!! you gotta fish in order to get skunked!!
Kochanut said it best. LOL ...
Trust me, there ain't no barnicals on the bottom of my 14 foot tin bin now!

I'm glad it's an all-welded boat.
Boy the ice sure has formed due to the no wind conditons. However, I headed over to Laketown this morning and there were several boats that launched from the shoreline just south of Gus Rich Point and were fishing the rockpile. Not too much ice to contend with down near the rockpile, but off the marina it has really formed in the last day or so. If anyone is planning to come up to BL this weekend, I would suggest launching from shore just south of Gus Rich Point (there are a lot of tracks down through the snow on the beach so you can just follow them) or use the 1st Point ramp. Its about a 4 mile shot due west to cross the lake (about the same distance from the marina to the rockpile). If there is no wind, it should be good fishing. Sorry to hear about your troubles Ralph. Don't be scared to launch off the shore. With your boat, I would only back in so the trailer tires are in the water and all of your truck tires are on the beach. The trailer gets "angled" pretty good at the is point and it is easy to slide the boat in. Anyway, good luck. My creel clerk will be out checking fishermen tomorrow.
PM sent, and thanks but launching from the shore scares me!
Man, at least you were die hard enough to try it. Dedication pays off because you seldom miss a good opportunity when you are willing to take a chance. Today was just one of those days that happens when you go as often as you can. A little wind might have sent shivers through your bones but it could be your best friend on the next outing. Not long til soft water now.... and I am soooo ready.[Wink]
So what's with the infatuation to fish BL in the dark with glow jigs? Did you get video of your ice busting?

Aluminum boats are scary in the ice. They dent so easily. Don't try to turn too fast or you'll put dents in the skin on the side towards the transom. Old glass boats are the best for bustin' ice. They take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. Don't ask me why I know this...
sorry to hear about the bad luck getting out. My brother in law and I went down the day before and ran into the same thing. We were later in the day and could see the ice out there though. His boat is a bigger crestliner so we wound up @ cisco beach and made our way to the pump house. After an hour we weaved through the openings and got over to the west side out from the rest area and after another hour we made our way to the rock pile. There was alot of ice that day. Most was off by noon The bigger chunks out in the middle were still there when we left to go home.
The smaller boats were launching by gus's cut and off of first point. There was even another one launched by the scout camp on the east side.
Coming to work tonight, we could see some of the bigger ice bergs out from the rest area now so if you are motoring in the dark be careful.
To bad Ralph , But at least your safe & the bottom of the tin bin is clean. Better luck next round !!!! Take care Jig_jrk .
Those bank launch and loads have never gone well for me. But good info anyway Scott. Thanks.

[inline High_Water.gif]

This is one of those days when Fish1on was doing his best to get my trailer deep enough so I could drive the boat up on. "C-mon ... just a little further Pat" ...When we got up on the shore, I notices a big wet spot on his pants between his knees and his belt. He said it was the water coming in at the doors but I didn't believe him.[Wink]
I had my camcorder with me intending to get some mack clips. When nature changed my plans, I was considering breaking it out and getting a clip of the ice busting but I was just to busy trying to keep from ramming a hole in the hull. I was also thinking of getting a digital photo of how thick the ice was but I was too preoccupied. Something I won't soon forget.

As for fishing in the dark with glow, [url ";#452700"]last time I did it, it was reasonably successfull[/url] and I just wanted to see if I could repeat that.
Backing into the water that far scares me. I would never do it. I bring along my waders and just get in the water to load and unload my boat. That works for me
Holy cow that brings back memories.

I didn't want to back into the lake like that, I was wanting to get in the water and lift the boat bow on the trailer and winch her on. Scary scary scary day!

To top off that day we had fog like pea soup and drove via GPS. Later in the day the fog lifted and there were a couple other boats out and close by that we had no idea were there.

I still had a great time though. Minus the "so called wet spot" LOL
I followed your frozen trail out of the marina sunday and kept going where you turned around. You were half way thereSmile The ice was thickest right before i hit open water. It was definatley worth it! I did it again the next day too. My boat is too big for those shore launches, I dont like to drive my truck in the sandy water ( its hard on them ) and my parter has to jump in the water on the east side with the docks pulled up on shore. It was close to a mile of ice busting. My wife was freaked out big time. I told her she could get out and walk back but she didnt find comfort in that

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