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Home Stretch
Alright boys and girls, we are in the stretch run. Another day at the capitol today was nice. Let me share some thoughts and info if I may.

1) All committee hearings are finished for the session. Today was the last day for committee, and it didn't make it on the agenda. So the bill was referred back to Senate rules and will remain there until they decide to pass it to the Senate floor.

2) I was told today that the Senate will be focusing only on Senate bills this week on the floor, so HB 141 probably (I say probably...not for sure) won't see the Senate floor until next week. Next week is also the last week of the legislative session. It all ends on the 11th. Just because it won't be herd this week doesn't mean we can relax. Now is the time to get our side of the story told.

3) There are many Senators who are uncomfortable with this legislation. Even some of the strong property rights proponents are uncomfortable with the implications of the bill. That does not mean they won't ultimately vote in favor of it, but it is a real positive. We are making some head way. Still have a ways to go, but we're making some head way.

4) The general feeling is that if this bill makes it to the Senate floor, it will be amended a few times.

5) WE NEED YOU! I can't say that enough. We need you. We need anything you've got. If you have the ability, email or call your Senator and tell them you are coming in to speak to them on a said date. (or ask them the best time to come and see them) Take a visit to the capitol and tell them to oppose HB 141 and why. If you can't visit, take 5 minutes and make a phone call to them. Here is a website that will give you all of their phone numbers. This is YOUR elected official, make your voice heard. Make them listen. Be respectful at all times, but make your voice heard. If you can only send an email, I'll take it. But I'm not sure how effective emails are at this point. They are so busy with there being 7 more days of the session left, I'm not sure they're reading long messages. A simple "No to HB 141" is okay, but that doesn't tell them why. Arm them with as much as you can to oppose this poor legislation.

Keep up the good fight guys. I've said this before, I'll say it again. I honestly believe we can beat this bill. We have made some progress with the people dedicating time up at the Capitol. Now we need to close the deal. We're almost there.

[SIZE="6"]Kill HB 141! [/SIZE]
Thanks for the update and your work fighting this.There was a good editorial on pg A13 of the SL trib today. If people aren't sure what to tell their State Senator when contacting them they might want to read this first. The biggest point is that the water in the streambed has always belonged to the public not the landowner. If a landowner bought land for exclusive use of the stream it was a mistake and didn't understand Utah laws (or was knowing keeping the public out illegally). Do you by chance know which senators are most crucial to reach on this bill? That might motivate some to contact their senator if they realize it's more likely to make a difference. My rep and senator have been consistently against HB 141 and I don't see any point in bothering them further.
I think almost all of them are equally important at this point. I would be surprised if there are more than 4 or 5 on either side of this that are "absolutely" decided.

This issue is fairly new to the Senate. Keep in mind that all the debates, conversations, and battles on this have taken part in the House up to this point. I think that most are workable at this point. We just HAVE to make our voices heard on this one. I read about how one senator has admitted he has yet to even read the bill yet, has no clue what it says. (Griener) Those are the guys we have to hit and get them the facts, not some twisted jaded propaganda push by the other side.

And I agree. That article is a good starting point on what to say. Here it is if you're interested.
Talking points. If you haven't had time to follow this or keep up, please don't let that discourage you from calling your senator or seeing him/her in person. There is excellent information located here
under the heading "Talking points from Representative Fowlke." This will give you a good background. It is important for the Senators to hear your opinion, regardless how much background you do/don't know.
I was just on the Western Rivers facebook page ([url ""][/url]) and they have decent talking points also. What is of more concern is that they state there is only 12 hours left to contact your senators. This implies that it is going to be read tomorrow (Friday 4 Mar ). Email tonight and call tomorrow morning if they don't have an answering machine.

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