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There was no one in sight around the marina when we set out about 830 this morning. Took sleds across to the meadows. Snow conditions were good for traveling. Never hit any slush. Fished in 46 ft of water. Lots of fish on the finder at all depths. Caught over 27 fish all cuts in the slot. Fishing was good until about 11 then it slowed down. There were fish coming through in schools about every 35 to 45 minutes after 11. We headed back to the marina about 2 and the snow conditions were still good.
Three DWR officers pulled up on sleds right in the middle of us. They checked licenses and one of our group didn't have a two pole permit. They wrote him up. How hard would it have been to say go to the marina and get a second pole permit instead of writing him a ticket. We only had 5 poles in the water when they came up. And we had permits for all 5. Since the pole was by him they gave him the ticket. Lame as can be.
So while they are writing the ticket I notice one of their sleds doesn't have a month sticker by the registration tag. They said it has one on the other side. It didn't. It is ok for them to run around without proper registration decals but lets be hard core and write someone up for a two pole violation.
Anyway fishing was good, the weather was good, and travel conditions were good. DWR could have been better.
I think a good 4x4 ATV could travel where we went today.
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good report. fish cops are same as regular cops, some are decent hard working folks, some are just jackasses. sorry bout your buddy. we wer up there last year in january, fish cop pulls up right on top of us with his loud snowmobile (not good for fishing) check our licenses. my buddys license was 4 DAYS expired, instaticket [mad]. he didnt know it was. I told the cop he was the most rule followin dude i know. he didnt care. ran into a another DNR officer a week later (with new licenses of course) asked him if he would have wrote him up over 4 days expired. his responce "no way" just depends on who ya get. at least ya caught a bunch fish though
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So, each of you know a guy that broke the law......a little. The law is the law and for a cop to not do anything about it should be reported, he sounds lazy to me.
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You are right on the law is the law. I am thankful for the times others have had mercy on me. I am a weak man when it comes to fishing and driving the speed limit.
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[quote klam]
Three DWR officers pulled up on sleds right in the middle of us. They checked licenses and one of our group didn't have a two pole permit. They wrote him up. How hard would it have been to say go to the marina and get a second pole permit instead of writing him a ticket.
The time for purchasing a second pole permit was before fishing with two rods, not after being caught, and before being issued a ticket.
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i disagree with flygoddess. was the "law" broken, sure.........a little. was a 130 dollar ticket nesscesary, i dont think so. He would have gotten his license renewed when we got off the ice either way, he didnt need a 130 dollar reminder. to let my friend off with a warning, for his 4 day expired license would have been the decent thing to do, not him being lazy. Just a difference in opinion i guess. i cant vouch for the situation of the other anglers post.
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It doesn't matter if you agree with me or not. Ignorance has never been an excuse for the law. FOUR DAYS!!!!! I would be more inclined to believe ONE.
When they change to the 365 day license, they stressed that it was now everyone responsibility to know when to up it. That is the decent thing to do.
It is their job to check...and they found a law broken, no two ways about it.
If it is $130. then that is what it is.
It would have been nice to slap on the hand, but to expect that is wrong.
By the way, read the other post, I am not the only one that thinks the law is the law.
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[quote klam]We only had 5 poles in the water when they came up. And we had permits for all 5. Since the pole was by him they gave him the ticket.[/quote]
Is it a violation to be in possession of a second pole without a 2-pole permit, even if you aren't using it?
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You can believe whatever you want too. There's the letter of the law, and there's the the spirit of law.
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Heay, don't hate me just because I read the Law for the written law.
Not saying it didn't suck, and I probably would have offered to help pay for the ticket if it were my friend.
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Right on. If you are going to go fishing respect the rules and be compliant.
What about the second part of my post? Would you ever think of driving your ATV or snowmobile right in to a group that was fishing 15 feet apart from each other. I bet you wouldn't walk through a group that was fishing or walk through someones camp. Why would the DWR drive right in between the three of us and park? When we are seeking information from other fishermen we keep our machines a respectful distance from them.We stop turn off our machines and walk up near them.
And one of their machines didn't have a month sticker on it. The yellow 2010 sticker was there. Did their registration expire in Jan or Feb. We don't know. Sure as shootin if one of our machines was missing some part of its registration they would have ticketed us for that too.
To the DWR if you are going by the book be sure you are living by the book too.
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klam wrote:
We only had 5 poles in the water when they came up. And we had permits for all 5. Since the pole was by him they gave him the ticket.[/quote]
This is what I don't understand. If the 3 guys were fishing in close proximity,and it wasn't clear who's rod was who's, I don't see that a violation occurred? Maybe the CO's saw the guy actually fish/jig two separate rods or the guys were spread out over a wide area. It isn't illegal to have multiple rods in possession so long as only one rod is actually in the water.
As for the ticket itself, I suppose it is a live and learn situation. If the CO's saw him actually use two rods, they had no choice but to write the ticket.
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I do not hate you. I just disagree with you. I will get the address to his blog detailing the event. I do not apprieate you insinuating that I'm lying about the 4 days expired license though
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I didn't Insinuate you were lying about anything. You said his license had expired 4 days prior...I believe you, no reason not to.
He should have check before he left, that was his responsibility.
One day is more understandable, but still breaking the law.
Like Dirty Harry said, "the law might not be perfect, but it will have to do till something better comes along" or something like that[laugh]
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Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-6
You may not [#ff4040][/#ff4040]fish with more than one fishing line except when:
You are fishing for crayfish. Please
• see page 12 of this guide for more information
about fishing for crayfish.
You have a second-pole or setline
• permit.
[#ff4040][/#ff4040]Fishing with more than one pole
Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-7
If you have a valid Utah second-pole permit, and a valid fishing or combination license, you can [#ff0000][/#ff0000]fish with two poles at any water in the state during its open fishing season.
When[#ff4040][/#ff4040] fishing with a second pole, you must be within sight of the equipment you’re[#ff4040][/#ff4040] fishing with (this distance cannot exceed 100 feet).
So you can have more than one pole with you. But you better not have it in the water with a hook on it.
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Well it sounds like he wasn't in violation. You should appeal it.
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If what you say is true, that he was only fishing with one pole while two other guys were both fishing double, then I would appeal that in a heart beat!
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Oh No!!! you or some of your party was fishing illegally and they gave you a ticket for it...(tear[  ]) Really???????????????????? They post rules and regulations for us to abide by. Whether it be an expired liscense, two pole permit or hell not wearin your seat belt. RULES ARE RULES!!!! Pay your ways or don't fish/(hunt).! Ever been to a fish derby? Do you mind them pulling up to measure your winning fish?(lets not play the noise scaring away your fish card) Noise has a factor but not what you think.I'm sure you pulled your sled within 10ft of the first hole drilled??? If your buddies don't abide DON"T fish with them!! $8 for the day, $16 for 7 days $26 for the year $15 second pole permit. Hell wanna combo it...$30
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[font "Calibri"][cool]I’m the buddy that got the ticket for being 4 days past due. When the fish and game officers showed up and asked for our licenses I was the first guy to say yep here you go. I had nothing to hide, I made an honest mistake, and when they told me about being overdue I can assure you that they knew from the surprised look on my face, I had no idea.[/font]
[font "Calibri"]Look, I have bought a fishing license the first week of January since the day I turned 12. I’m not a law breaker and I made a mistake. I could understand if I was a month overdue, but that wasn’t the case. It was 4 days! One week later I was fishing down at Fish Lake (with my new license) and got checked again. I posed the question to the two officers asking them if they would have given me a ticket for being 4 days overdue. They said, “absolutely not”! They also conveyed to me that they were very disappointed in their colleagues to the north and wanted me to give them their names so they could send the message along to their superiors that the officers were taking it too far! They shared their disgust for officers like this that feel they have to ticket for every petty crime they see, even when they know in their hearts that it was an honest mistake, and the reason? It creates rebellion and disrespect towards the officers and the outdoors we love. We shouldn’t feel hate towards the officers that protect and help our fisheries, but when people start feeling like the officers are using their power to feed their own ego’s it only gives us anger towards them and accomplishes nothing. I am all for ticketing a law breaker, and I paid my fine and went on with life, but to say there should never be any mercy is asinine![/font]
[font "Calibri"]I guess we can agree to disagree on this one, but there are two officers down south that disagree with you as well. I’m just glad that you guys aren’t officers of the law, because it sounds like you would be the ones that would create this type of anger and rebellion I’m referring to… I know I know, you’re just the type that would enforce the law no matter what, under any circumstance, because that’s what is going to stop people from breaking the law! That’s what makes you a hard worker and the officer who doesn’t give a ticket is just lazy, right? Give me a break! I think the truth is the officer that doesn't give the ticket is the one who didn't get picked on his whole life in the school yard growing up! We definitely see the world through different colored glasses that is for sure![/font]
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You will get no MERCY from the Kings Men, They are just ROVING TAX ASSESSORS