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Wiper Tournament June 12
We have the permits its now official. If interested please send me a PM. You can also sign up down at the ISE Sportsmans Expo. Just stop by the Maniac custom lures both and we can register you there. Were picking up some great sponsors. Smith & Edwards, Anglers Den, Sportmans Warehouse, Cal-Ranch, Manaic Custom lures, just to name a few. We now have registration forms available at Sportmans Warehouse and Smith & Edwards. Please send me a PM on who to pay if interested.
We should be on your list allready, see you at the Expo today.
Can I compete against the Willard tourny field remotely from Newcastle? I'll just post the pics of what I catch and see how I do...
Will this be at willard? What is the entry fee?
This Tourney will be at Willard Bay North marina on June 12. Entry fee is 80.00 dollars per team. Were looking for at least 50 teams.
Sorry PBH but we can't do the remote thing. But maybe we can do one down there in the future.
Wow.. 80! How much does 1 2 3 fourth win? or does 4 and 5 win stuff 2?
PM sent.[fishin]
[quote SKEETER2]Sorry PBH but we can't do the remote thing. But maybe we can do one down there in the future.[/quote]

Actually, no. Please don't have one down here. We already have enough competition from bass tournaments, and our reservoirs (Newcastle, Minersville, Piute, Otter Creek) just aren't big enough to support a tournament as well as normal recreational fishing.

So, I'll just go catch some wipers on June 12 and take some pics. Then we can compare.
doh! scratch that. Tournament already scheduled for June 12 at Newcastle. Forget it. I'm avoiding that place.
Would like to fish Wiper Tournament, Please sent infor/froms. I have never fish for wiper but why not try. Just being out on a lake is worth the time and money.
rlr I sent you a PM. You can now pick up applications at Sportmans warehouse, Anglers Den. Were starting to get some great sponsors. We have Anglers Den, Smith and Edwards, Sportmans Warehouse, Cal-Ranch, Manaic custom Lures, just to name a few.
You going by weight or length this year Skeeter?
Were going to weigh the fish again. 4 fish limit like last year. this year we won't have any ties. Big fish will break the tie. Were upgrading the scale as well. I'm going to buy a nice digital for tournament. Does anybody know where I can buy a nice tournament scale?
alright. Sounds good. I imagine if you check anywhere you get shipping supplies you will find some good digital scales with a good size table top.
Sorry about the 2 man limit Fishinfool. Are you guys still in? As far as the weight tournament goes. The people that know how to catch fish seem to do better in the weight tournaments. Any one can go out and luck into a big one. But not everybody can weigh a limit of big fish.
I would have to agree with you on that,And we did very well at catching last year,with many fish to the boat, just didn't get lucky and catch the bigger fish? so when you say anyone can go out a get lucky and catch a big fish and win I would have to disagree.If you where weighing a full limit of fish I think we would have placed? I feel like if your in the right place at the right time and put the bait in the face of a big fish at that time your pretty lucky. Not many big fish in there anymore that you could actually target. It's your tourney and your rules I respect that and will let you know if I can afford to get in. I'm on the fence because of how expensive it will be to get into it this year and I'm sure that's why your having a harder time getting peoples interest. But have been in enough of these to know how much the fees and all the hard work gets put into them. I would like to fish it but I will need to see if I can come up with the money. I am still planning on fishing it.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Sounds good just let me know.
Will do. Have you been out yet?
I think the entry fee is $20.00 to $30.00 per team more than last year and paying 1st thru 5th this year with $1000.00 going to 1st. I know last year Brian held it to 24 teams and had alot of people want to sign up late but the roster was full. Takes alittle more money I'm sure to host a bigger tournament. I would like to see this become an annual event where anyone that wants to fish it can get in. Hope to see you there this year.

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