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scofield ice?
hey i was wondering when scofield will be ice free or fishable from shore .do you think it will be fishable by April 5
I highly doubt it will be fish-able from shore by then. If I remember right, the ice usually doesn't start to come off Scofield until it gets closer to May. I usually don't get up there until early May, sometimes the second week, and the ice is usually off or mostly off by then.
what do you think the ice will be like ? the edges mostly
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Looking at the weather forecast the edges will probably be a little soft but the lake will still be frozen by then. If the temp is still getting to 20 degrees and lower at night the ice will be around a while.
No idea really, check out the fishing report before you head out and see if they have updated the conditions for that week (provided link). I would think that it would be getting soft by then but like I said I'm not really sure. I put my ice fishing stuff away for the year, I usually don't venture out after March, weather there is good ice or not. good luck
This comes courtesy of IceAndFly the Scofield expert. 3/13/09

Re: [Browntrout] Chester-Scofield Question? [url "#p483367"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
I'm hoping for at least another 3-4 weeks of ice on Scofield. The highs are in the mid 40's, but the nights are really cold up there. It is below zero at night well into the end of march. The cold night temps refreeze the melt of the day. Some years the water starts to rise before the ice is gone so I wear waders and wade to the ice, step up on the slab, and go fish. (don't try this at home!)( and for sure don't tell the wife!)

Here are my last dates on Scofield the past few years:
In 08 my last day was Apr 19.
In 07 it was Mar 17. (Huntington 3/31)
In 06 it was Apr 8.
In 05 it was Mar 13.
In 04 it was Mar 20
In 03 I hadn't discovered the fun of March and April on Scofield.

This year the ice is a thinner than most years, and the snow is not as deep. (one reason it is fishing different this year) The thinner ice and lack of snow will probably mean a shorter year. Headed up in the morning with my wife. I 'll let you know how it goes. All the reports say it is fishing terribly![:p]

Hope this helps,

IceAndFly (formerly known as Chester)
I ice fished Scofield on April 26th last year. Although the ice was soft, their was still 24 inches of it. This year, the ice came two weeks sooner and froze thicker. I hope the ice is gone by the third week in April but I am guessing it will be there until May 1.

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