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weber report.. beefy browns
I have had several poeple ask me where I have been, and why I haven't made a typical Weber reports on the big Brownies of the weeb ....well here ya go.

Hit the weeb about 3 days ago... fishing was good and the fish were aggressive.. typical for spring Brown's they wanted big baits. .. I furiously chucked 4 inch cranks and managed a handful of beefy brutes up to 4 lbs or so... nothing monsterous but always fun... best color was rainbow followed by green silver. .
yea!!! where the hell have you been!!?
Nice! I've had a couple of good days myself thanks to you. You want to hit it tomorrow?
I think a lot of us was wondering where you where. I just assume you were waiting for the cats to come out
Was that you fishing with another guy who was fly fishing, driving a black and orange truck. If so, I was the guy that pulled up in the white truck with a mountain man looking guy and a dog. We fished down from you till the next bridge and pounded em. There are some nice bows in there right now.
Yep, that was us!

The dry fly action was HOT HOT HOT that day. Made mr catman dry fly a fat cutty up!
Good to see or read that you are back. Don't you fish the hard water[:/]?
Haha I havent had computer access for a while. ...
Yea that was me.... got suckered into fishing a section a section of river that I never fish... still fun tho ... even got one flicking the fairy wand. ...
Nice report guys. My dad is coming into town tomorrow and was wondering if you can give me some advice on where to catch some browns,I will be chucking hardware? guess some rapala's, he will be flicking the wand so some fly advice would be good to. you can count on one hand how man times I fish the rivers so no worries on me putting to much pressure on the your browns. Just want to get him into a few good browns before he heads home. He is old but can walk a bit if need be.
You can PM if you want to keep it on the down low.
Thanks fnf
really need the help?[fishin]
Were't you at MS Catman? You still there?
Would like to throw out a big THANKS! to UTcatman and Afk2fish for all your advice, and help,My dad had a great time.

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