04-02-2010, 08:42 PM
This is for all of you rainbow Nazis out there here are the facts. Including IDF&G and TU.
[ul][/ul][li][/li]The bull trout is on the threatened species list. And fishing of all kinds is allowed in the salmon river where they reside. We will not lose our fishing rights to the federal government as stated.
[li][/li]Wyoming recognizes the genetic difference between the Snake river fine spotted and the Yellowstone cutts, Idaho does not.[li][/li]75 years of stocking records show Rainbows along with Yellowstone Cutts and Snake river Cutts stocked in Idaho's snake river until the late 1980's Thats 75 years of hybrydization that will never be undone.
[li][/li]The Cutts in the South Fork are a mixed breed and have genetically been tainted by IDF&G stocking in the South Fork and USFW in Palies.[li][/li]Palies is Stocked annually with Snake River Fine Spotted with upwards of one million fish.[li][/li]Fish do escape from palies and with 1% coming through the dam that is 10,000 genetically altered Cutts entering the South Fork each year. Over 10 years that is 100,000 and they have been stocking palies for the last 30 years at least.
[li][/li]Drought has had a significant impact on the survival of tributary spawning Cutts and over all Cutt numbers. And with another drought year on the horizon you can bet the numbers of Cutts will decline even further. The rainbows are filling that void.
The solution lies in beefing up spawning success by placing egg boxes in the tributary's and keeping water in the streams and not in the farmers fields. There will be an immediate increase in Cutthroat numbers because the spawning box success rate is upwards of 90% compared to less than 10% for naturally spawning Cutts. Keep a 6 fish rainbow limit and stop all of this fear based nonsense. The hardest choice of all is to confront those that water our fish on their fields. Keep a level head and your rod tips high.
[ul][/ul][li][/li]The bull trout is on the threatened species list. And fishing of all kinds is allowed in the salmon river where they reside. We will not lose our fishing rights to the federal government as stated.
[li][/li]Wyoming recognizes the genetic difference between the Snake river fine spotted and the Yellowstone cutts, Idaho does not.[li][/li]75 years of stocking records show Rainbows along with Yellowstone Cutts and Snake river Cutts stocked in Idaho's snake river until the late 1980's Thats 75 years of hybrydization that will never be undone.
[li][/li]The Cutts in the South Fork are a mixed breed and have genetically been tainted by IDF&G stocking in the South Fork and USFW in Palies.[li][/li]Palies is Stocked annually with Snake River Fine Spotted with upwards of one million fish.[li][/li]Fish do escape from palies and with 1% coming through the dam that is 10,000 genetically altered Cutts entering the South Fork each year. Over 10 years that is 100,000 and they have been stocking palies for the last 30 years at least.
[li][/li]Drought has had a significant impact on the survival of tributary spawning Cutts and over all Cutt numbers. And with another drought year on the horizon you can bet the numbers of Cutts will decline even further. The rainbows are filling that void.
The solution lies in beefing up spawning success by placing egg boxes in the tributary's and keeping water in the streams and not in the farmers fields. There will be an immediate increase in Cutthroat numbers because the spawning box success rate is upwards of 90% compared to less than 10% for naturally spawning Cutts. Keep a 6 fish rainbow limit and stop all of this fear based nonsense. The hardest choice of all is to confront those that water our fish on their fields. Keep a level head and your rod tips high.