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hey i Really appreciate you backing me up.. iv spent a lot of time on this and really want it to happen. iv been talking to Michael Slater From The DWR he said i might not need a certificate but i just wanted to be safe and not be in the Wrong. Thanks for letting me know i dont need a certificate..
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no its not apart of anything yet.. i meet with sportsman's warehouse this week to see if they will sponser it..
and no i have done everything by my self!!
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I reread my other post, and I owe you a bit of an apology. It really came off as more of an attack rather than the questions I had on the tournament and what the arraignments were. [blush] Sorry about that. I think I am getting cynical as well as senile!
That would be cool if you could get some sponsorship. The undertaking of a tournament on your own is a bit of a job! Good luck.
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This is not a BFT sponsored event. We allow all member to use BFT to talk about these types of events and to let members
have a chance to find out about them here but BFT takes no responsibility for any loss that might occur as a result of them. We have a special board that is used for planning and talking about events when they are three months out but this one is less than that,so we are allowing it to stay on the main board. When you are dealing with a new member that does not have a long standing with BFT it is always a good idea to ask question before becoming involved with them,so you have done nothing wrong. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with AKAELE putting on this tournament but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
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You can count me and the old lady in............
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Sounds like fun. I'll give it a shot.
[url ""][/url]
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Do you think it is good idea to get girth measurements in case there is a tie on the overall length of the largest catches? That would give you another determining factor if a tie was to occur and the second place contender wouldn't feel cheated out of a win.
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there is not a real good way to take the girth tho it would be pretty hard to take a pic of it too.
in the rules it says if there is a tie the person that submitted there fish first will be the winner.
but i will think it over more and let everyone know..
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count me in too
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I would have to agree. ... I think you should include the cache valley and all all of the bear river drainage. .... I would totally be in!! Utah lake is just to far for me to travel. ...I have several members / buddy's here in Ogden that would love to see this happen. I know we could give all of you some serious competition!! Lets see this happen. ...I'm sure there are plenty of other members up here that feel the same!
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[quote Utcatman]I would have to agree. ... I think you should include the cache valley and all all of the bear river drainage. .... I would totally be in!! ...I have several members / buddy's here in Ogden that would love to see this happen. I know we could give all of you some serious competition!! [/quote]
Couldnt have said it better dude! Us weber county guys would love to see this open up to a northern utah cat tourny.
BIG Kitties!
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why don't you Weber guys simply have your own Tourney and maybe some of us "southerners" can come up there and particicpate? Quit hounding this guy to do something he don't want to do and just organize your own. Seems like a simple solution?
What part of UTAH LAKE CAT FISH TOURNAMENT, is so hard to understand?
Never fished the Bear, but would love to come up in your tourney and have someone "show me around".
Let me know if anyone up there gets one going.
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Id like to include the cache valley and bear river area.. but then it would become a state wide fishing Tournament for cats. This is my first year doing it and i dont wanna bite off more than i can chew..