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If anyone out there happens to know if Chesterfield still has ice to fish how about letting me know. I would like to get out one more time if the edges are good. I wasn't able to make it over the last three weeks due to a plant shutdown and having to work. So if you have been there the last few days drop a line.
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Ive had the same question. Seens the Idahaans are a little tight lipped. Im heading up there in the morning (for other reasons than fishing, but im taking my poles) Ill post back what i find tomorrow night. ![[Image: bobwink.gif]](
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We would tell you if we knew. Chesterfield is not "on the way" to anywhere![sly] So without actually going and trying it we don't know. Personally I wouldn't like to be on the ice on any lake right now. I am not a trusting soul. [blush] And I don't think that it is fully open yet either, so for me I am going elsewhere to fish. [fishin]
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[quote cpierce]We would tell you if we knew. Chesterfield is not "on the way" to anywhere![sly] So without actually going and trying it we don't know. Personally I wouldn't like to be on the ice on any lake right now. I am not a trusting soul. [blush] And I don't think that it is fully open yet either, so for me I am going elsewhere to fish. [fishin][/quote]
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I guess there is no where to fish in Utah...
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[quote Soda]I guess there is no where to fish in Utah...[/quote]
Oh there is, but it is WAY cheaper, so can possibly be as good...[  ]
Sometimes you feel like a KAM and unfortunately, Idaho bought them all...LOL
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Dont you know, Chester is in "Northern" Utah. [  ] And youre welcome for all out Utah dollars funding your Idaho fish. Just saying...
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Believe me we hear ya. It is getting harder for all of us to fish in any other state. Especially if you want to bring a boat.[:/] Wish that wasn't so. We are in the central area of some wonderful fishing states. It is nice to be close enough to occasionally be able to backpacking in the Uintas, Windrivers, Boulders, White Clouds and so many others if I could just afford the gas and the licenses![shocked]
And I for one appreciate any donation out of staters want to make to Idaho's fishing program, and my hat is off to those of you who buy full season licenses!
I plan on donating my money in a few other states too, just not that much.[blush]
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FG I thought you come up just so I can school ya on fishin and eat my good cookin
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I didn't mean to start a issue about fishing and being a Utahn. I just wanted to know if anyone has been there (Chesterfield Reservoir) lately and if the ice is still good.
I am an Idahoan and have been all my life. Born and raised in Pocatello. I drive to Soda Springs to work from Pocatello and I see the ice and edges on Alexander are still froze solid on the edges. So I was just wondering if Chesterfield was still holding out.
As far as Utahns fishing in Idaho I have no problem with that just as long as the rules are followed the same way as I expect Idahoans to follow them.
I go to the Gorge in Wyoming for ice fishing (ling) and also North Dakota for pheasant hunting which makes me the non-resident out of stater. I am glad that I have the privelege of going to other states for the different fishing opportunities.
So anyway if you know if the ice is good would appreciate just a yes it is good or no it is bad.
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+1 to all that! Great additude. I have really enjoyed fishing in all our surounding states!! Good people up in Idaho. Love Henrys even though I have only fished it once.
Stevo is driving up today and I'm sure he will update with how the ice is.
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Stocking the Kamloops in our reservoirs was a dirty, underhanded plot devised by a twisted state tourism department to lure and addict unsuspecting Utahans to our fishing. Besides the nonresident funds paid for it!!!!! [shocked]
[sly][laugh][laugh][sly][laugh][sly][laugh][sly] (Wicked laugh)
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By the way Chesterfield's elevation is 5400 ft. Daniels' is 5200 feet. If Daniels is starting to thaw then I would think that Chesterfield won't be too far behind.
And Alexander (Soda) is 5700 ft. it is behind the others.
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Not to mention all the warmwater species available in the area. I never thought that moving up to the frozen north would bring me the best warmwater fishing I've had [  ]
I just hope that Idaho eases up a little on the cost for out of state licenses. I'd really have a hard time not buying one, but they're already almost $100, if they get much more I'm going to have a hard time selling the idea to my wife [crazy]
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Do what I did, I stashed $10. a month (in my case actually $20 for my hubby and myself). It really isn't too bad that way.
I look at it this way also. Most the places we go in Idaho are free camping and some even have out houses.
I mean, camp site in the Uinta's is like $16. a night. Now add several nights.
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That's a good idea, it's not quite so painful that way. My birthday is in early February, so the last two years I've just used birthday money for it. Nobody can tell me how to spend my gift money [  ] Still, I hope that $98 is enough to keep Idaho Fish and Game happy for at least a few more years.
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Me to. These past few years have NOT been gradual increases, they have been IN YOUR FACE increases.
Got my IS sticker today, now just need a license...LOL
Next Saturday, the Idaho Falls Fly Tying expo and I will be there!
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LOL, I hate to tell ya buddy, But southern Idaho would go under if it wasnt for us Utards coming there for beer, lotto tickets and the outdoors.
I made a trip up to Chesterfield today, I think it will still be another couple of weeks before ice off. There is a really small sliver of open water where the creek runs in, But not much at all & that area is pretty shallow. Im thinkin 2-3 weeks & another trip will be in order!!!!
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Thats great stevo ! "thanks"