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A New Outdoor Magazine for Eastern Idaho
Thought I would let everybody know there is going to be a new outdoor magazine about Eastern Idaho coming out this summer. They are giving away a bunch of prizes for early subscribers, and are also looking for good stories and pictures. Maybe they will have a section with some of our fishing reports or something. Check it out should be pretty cool.
I am also interested in seeing the new magazine. In all honesty I think the "experts" on this site can help people with specific fishing information more than any magazine written every two months.

I am interested to see the quality of the writing in the articles. I just don't know if a magazine can survive in an era with instant info and up to the day information on fishing is around.

I am also interested in seeing how they plan to compete with the interwebs. I will probably subscribe just to see how it is, and enter the drawings.
I mean no offense to the creators, but judging from the sample pages, the appearance lacks the professional touch. I'm sure the info will be great, but it's a bit hard to look at with all those blocky, bubbly letters. I think it will do better if it becomes a bit more attractive.
I agree with the others, seems like most print editions of stuff just doesnt make it due to competition from the internet. Ive watched some of Jared Scotts tv programs and he does a fairly descent job on them. Id hope he'd take a little more of the money hes using on the magazine and put more of it into the tv program. From what I saw, its awful pricey for only 6 editions and a lot can happen over 12 months time concerning the outdoors if he doestn stay current. I dont think 6 times will cut the mustard but hope he can prove us all wrong but I guess im pretty pesimistic he can. Good luck, Im putting my money into outdoor gear and boat stickers instead of only a 6 time subscription.
He has to compete with sites that post fishing articles in magazines on a weekly basis and it's free for the readership of the fishing forums which is also free. The advertisers pay the freight. He also must contend with the growth in sites such as this one that has such a knowledgeable membership base and an instant gratification factor. I don't see outdoor print lasting long into the future with that in mind but you never know???

I do wish him the best. What he does do well is fill a local niche to a local audience on Fox31.

On the bright side I do DVR all his shows and enjoy the local flavor.
What is your site MM? Id like to see it but didnt know you had one.
It will be interesting to see if it can make it. But who would have thought that a guy could make an outdoor show about Eastern Idaho. He did and its doing very well. Almost everybody around here is involved in the outdoors in one way or another so there is actual a huge market for a magazine like this if you think about it. And yah the internet is great with limitless information, but I don't know about you guys but I don't have a computer in my bathroom, and a guy needs something to read and escape into an article for a few minutes a day. Another thing to consider is a lot of the magazines I subscribe to only a have a few articles every issue that I even bother to read. This magazine being exclusively about the area I live in, will be far more interesting to me. I hope it makes it, and I might even try my hand at writing an article for it. I'll have to have my wife correct my grammar and spelling first. You know its bad when spell check can't even tell what your trying to spell.
I got the first issue and I give it a thumbs up. Pretty cool reading articles about places I have been and recognizing a lot of the photos. I found there to be a lot of useful information. If you were on the fence about whether to subscribe or not I would recommend it.
Thanks for the update. I love reading magazines, well I love reading so I will take a look at it.

Thanks Again

Thanks to this post i just now heard of the new mag. I love the show and will indeed support the mag. we need a mag that supports our local area and if enough people support it it will only get better and larger. Great work jared and team!

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