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a big thanks to everyone that attended the perch party at jordanelle, we put a small dent in the perch population. thanks to pikeman and his wife also flyfishingmoose and uncle ray for some great food. was nice to meet everyone that came. also thanks to the angler for donating some great prizes that didn't arive in time so we raffled them off anyway. congrads to nomoose for winning the grand prize the custom bft bass rod. and the 2nd grand prize the 12" dutch oven to one eyed jack. before i forget a big thanks to hooked tackle for donating the lures. we also used the remaining raffle money to give away some gift certificates to hooked tackle they went to uncle ray, one eyed jack, flyfishing moose, and yper
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I didnt give you my address, do you need it for my prizes? my sister and i would like to say thanks for all the great food. i was just glad i could get her out and catch some fish, she sure did like bringin in those small perch. got about 1 pound of fillets out of the trip, not to bad. thanks everyone
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well go fishn soon and ill get it to ya
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hi jason glad to hear you guys had a good time and caught some fish wish i could have made it
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Glad to hear the perch party went well. So how many perch were caught?
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I can only say I left with 18 perchskis from there . But caught lots of others .I think I ended up with 12 - 10" perch out of the 18 I kept .I hooked 3 smallies under 12 and no big toads . Had a great time . When I came on tonight I seen we had 676 guest on "Who's Online" . That's the highest I've ever seen it . I hope someone got some pics of the party . I got a few down by the water but only half way thru the roll of film . Great sunrise this morning .
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Thats a pretty good day fishing HA69. Any body else do that good?
When I looked at Whos on line there was 713 guests lurking. Wow thats alot! These folks need to share some information.
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[  ][  ][cool][sly]MAN WHAT A BLAST!!!!!!!! I'll bet between Petty and i we probably caught about 30 10" or better perch and I coulnt even tell you how many small ones. That werent worth catching. OEJ had some really nice ones too.Any of you that didnt make it, you reaaly missed out ] We need to have more of these, on a regular basis. What do you guys think?
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Were you the only one to catch any smallmouth? WH2
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No I caught a nice 2lb 14" smallie. caught him on ultralight tackle so that fight lasted a few minutes. Both petty and I caught a few smallies.[  ]
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Those smallies are a blast on light tackle and a 2 lber is a good size fish. Were you casting for the smallies or the perch? WH2
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I was fishing for the bass from shore when I first arrived . Tossing buzzbaits and had one smallie come up and smack it , but no hook up . Hooked perch and smallies on the same thing I used last week and this week .
![[Image: LOOM5874CustomImage0573529.jpg]](
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Congrats on the party and an even bigger one to all those that make these get togethers possible. I hope this gets all you excited for the Ice fishing party at Fish lake. I can't wait to see how everybody else did and what they thought.
The only thing I'm  about is that I thought this was suppose to help the lake by removing as many perch as possible but I read a few posts about leting go the small ones and keeping the bigger perch.
Edited Part- Just a thought but wouldn't the constant removal of just the bigger fish give you the same problem as Fish Lake or Strawberry with the chubs.
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That's what the idea was. to remove as many as possible. I think if we keep removing the perch that are between 5 and 10" it will have an impact. I was watching oej and polokid filleting their perch and a smallie and in their batch of perch was a few 1 and 2 inch dead perch that were regurgitated. I think the larger perch are eating smaller perch and I know for a fact that the smallies are eating the perch. but jordanelle is overrun by perch between 2 and 4 inches. I had dropped a whole worm down over where there was a little creek coming in. This worm was a pretty huge worm. It went down and before I could count to 10 it was gone. there were about 50 little perch that looked like pirhana hammering the crap out of the worm.
Also the trick to catching them by the dozens is a small 2 inch jig. Tube or curly tail. doesnt really matter what color. But the most action I had was on reddish colored baits and a white jig with black silver and orange flakes. but the ultimate key is perch meat. when you fell the hit just start reeling it in real fast. I found that if you try to set the hook often times you'll yank it right out of their mouths. Just keep reeling it in till you get em' in the boat.
One things for sure they are all over so if you need a tasty treat for the weekend head to jordanelle, get you some perch, pm pikeman for a killer recipe for breading for the perch, or pm flyfishingmoose and see if he can get you a recipe for his salsa's. You wanna talk about good salsa ffm knows how to make a good salsa. My personal favorite was the zuccinni salsa. Pikemans wife and flyfishingmoose really dressed up that perch this weekend. Thanks again guys for coming up with such creative and delicous recipies for perch. I didnt know perch could taste THAT GOOD.
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Where were you at sat? I was at the rivermouth(Rockcliffs area) around 11am. I saw a couple tubers and pontoon boats. I was in a green bass boat throwing cranbaits and drop shotting.
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Petty4life and I were on his 14 foot red aluminum boat. were you in a drift boat or what were you on. yper and his son were on blue pontoons. Hellsangler69 was on his tube. Oneyedjack and his family were on his center console bayliner with polokid. Pikeman and his buddy were on their maroon crestliner. Chester and his son were on the shore. Road, Fishboy2 and his sister were on the shore as well. I hope I didnt miss anyone. If I did im sorry.
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I was in a tube in that area .There's a flooded rock wall to the north of the old river bed and seem to find plenty of perch in that area . How did you do on them bass Tomegun ? I was the first there in the morning at the old highway on saturday , but not the first on the water . There was 2 bass boats up by the brush by where the Provo dumps in first thing . I got there about 6:05 am . I would love to fish it before the sun comes up , but they told me I couldn't come thru till 6:00 am . Guess I need to camp to get on the water that early .
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Yeah, I would like to get on the water before sunrise too! But, some bureauRat has the folks up there locking the gates. Its all about the "benjamins", you know. Due to low water from last year, 9/11, and short budgets Jordanelle is one of the few places that money can be extorted from the taxpayers.
I was at the Rockcliffs about 11am. I got out of the marina around 7:30. My lures were a little on the big side, so my fishing kinda sucked.
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The jigs with the spinner blades look like some of Tube Dudes stuff, did you put a bait on them? WH2
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Yes , perch meat worked good added to the road runner head jig . Was still able to hook them with out . Sometimes I tried some Bassfeast Smelly Jelly and worked good . I still caught all my bass on the one in the pic of jigs in the upper right hand corner without bait or scent last weekend . I seem to catch big 10" perch just vertical jigging from my tube in 8 ' to 4' of water . They must of liked the shade under my tube . I took a fish finder on my tube this weekend and most of the time seen fish right underneath me . I was going to ty up something like TubeDudes bait bugs . Didn't get around to it ,but it would be a good thing to try because they tore up about 20 curly tail grubs on me . Just ripped the tails right off . That was fine if you added bait to it then . It was almost nonstop action most of the day . I didn't realize what time it was until I left the pavilion and decided to call it a day at 4:00 pm . How time flys when you're fishing .