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First Fish on a Fly rod
So about 5 months ago I purchased a fly rod and tried to teach myself the art of fly fishing. After two miserable trips and spending more time trying to untangle the massive amounts of knots in my line I said screw it and put the fly rod on the shelf. Fathers day came around and I was surprised with a four hour guided fishing expo. My mentality towards fly fishing quickly took a 180 and I was on my way. Ok, now the good stuff =]

[left]Arrived at the lower Provo near Vivian Park at about 9 A.M. on Saturday. Met with my guide and away we went. I was shown how to properly rig up two flies and some split shots on the end. After about five casts I seen my strike indicator disappear! I was thrilled and quickly realized I had a fish. Reeled the bad boy in and held it above the water still attached to my rod. Looked at my partner as he was laughing at my 4 inch trout squirming away. I couldn't muster up any feelings besides excitement, it was my first fish on a fly rod! Got right back into it and landed 4 more. Biggest fish caught was 19 inches... Called it a day at about 1 p.m. Went out again today near the bridge at the entrance to Vivian Park. Hit the river at 2 p.m and caught 6 fish within 1 1/2 hours. The great thing about it was catching these fish without having anyone to turn to wondering if I'm doing it right. I did however lose my lucky fly that had landed my 4 incher. Also lost my fishing net on accident. Didn't sweat it though because the feeling of being able to catch fish by myself was exhilarating. Few pics are attached from a camera phone. All in all, has been an awesome few days fly fishing. Can't wait to get out again.

p.s. Sorry for the long post but I was excited to share.
Good Stuff Congrats on your catch
AWESOME... sounds like a great weekend on the water... and those are great shots of some very nice looking fish... congratulations..

btw.. I would not apologize for a long post when your are feeling the excitement of catching your first fish on a fly.. there are few things that outdo the thrill of that first fish on a fly... next step is the thrill of catching your first fish on a fly you tied... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Hey my first fish on a fly rod was also on the provo and also 4". I wonder if it was the same one? I doubt it mine was almost fifteen years ago. Maybe it was that nineteen incher?

BTW Some of those pics are great for being with/on a phone.

Now you're hooked. Where do you live maybe someone on here would teach you to tie a fly or two. I know I would if you're any where near West Jordan.

I learned on the Provo up higher by the cement steps. It can be a confusing place some days and amazing the very next day. Try it new places every chance you can. Learning a river is also part of the fun.
Very nice fish there!!!!
I live in down down SLC roughly 15 minutes away from the U. I have been contemplating tying a few flies actually. Figured I would learn to fish a little bit better first. Learning the bugs and what they look like seems like a good place to start. I hate going to a river not knowing what to use. I think i understand what you mean by being good one day and bad the next. I went again today and managed 3 fish in about 7 hours. Was quit frustrating. Landed twice as many fish a few days ago within an hour and a half.

On another note, I would be thrilled to learn how to tie a few bugs from anyone as well as go fishing with someone. I am eager to learn a few tricks. If anyone has any free time and wants to go maybe we could meet up for a few hours this week =] Fishing by yourself is fun but so is with a friend.
Glad you had a successful trip.

I learned long ago that if you want to become a proficient fly fisher...hire a guide. I still hire guides on rivers (some cases Stillwater as well) I have not fished before....doesn't matter what State.

The learning curve is shortened by about a factor of 100. They are there to help you catch fish...always worth every penny. I don't guide..but tip well.

Welcome to "Fly Fishing"!

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