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Well headed to Glenndale early yesterday since it was supposed to be a great weather day there, wrong, started out over cast a few showers and cold. Finally kinda had some sun later in morning but, did it help the fishing, Not really. Was still very slow on bite. Got just a couple nice gills and crappie and a bunch of planter bows. Water was 64, only warmed a couple degrees from 2 weeks ago. Still seeing a ton of fish on finder but either no bite or very slow.

So moved to Twin in afternoon. Not sure where everyone was hitting the gills on the earlier posts but got 2 in 3 hours. Talked to a lot of other folks and they too said no go on gills in either lake. Very spotty, but, one guy in a tube was killing the bass on every cast. Not a lot of size on most but every once in a while he hit a very nice one.

We fished the trees and all over but the gills would come up and just look at the bait and turn and run off. So, not sure what others are using but, the gills or crappie in Twin sure didnt hit yesterday on worms or jigs. And the water was 64-65 and very clear.

Good luck, these things should burst out some day soon.
Thanks for the report. I was beginning to feel that I was the only one who had a hard time at Twin and Glendale! I wish I knew what would tempt them too, but I think it must just be the weather is holding a lot of lakes back. Maybe just that the larger lakes are slower at warming. I got a note from the fisheries regional manager where he also commented on the fact that the bluegills in Twin weren't doing much this year. So it isn't just us, but seems to have been noticed by quite a few people.

Good to hear that the bass are getting active.
That was probably me in the tube that you saw. Things had kind of slowed when you saw me. Earlier I found a spot that was loaded with nicer bass. I caught a 20", an 18", and two 12" out of one little pocket. Crazy. It wasn't my best day numbers wise, I caught 25 bass, but the size was what impressed me. I caught a 19" also, which I think was the one you guys saw jump. Lots of 12", quite a few 14-16", and a few dinks. They still looked fat, I'm wondering if they haven't spawned yet? That's kind of unheard of for the end of June. I'm surprised that with all this warm weather that the temp is still only 64. That's what it was last week, but that's what my finder said too. I also caught one gill while after bass. It measured 10". My hands are kind of big, so it doesn't do it justice. In the area with all the big bass there were some big schools of gills. I didn't mess with them because I had to leave for work and couldn't keep any, not to mention the bass were too fun. All in all, the summer is starting out great for me.

One other thing. I mentioned in my Condie report that the big gills are on their beds. Look shallow, as in one foot of water. Just thought I'd mention it as the report got kind of buried.
Good fun! Your pictures give me some real hope to try Twin again. Those are some very nice bass. We must have been fishing way too deep, with the wrong fly, and they just plain like you better than us![sly]
You may have been too deep. All the fish I've been catching there have been right up in the trees. I've actually gone and waded the inside of the tree line a couple of times and done well. Unweighted soft plastics have been the ticket. Slug-Gos and Flukes have been good, but yesterday it was worms and creature baits with ringed bodies. I want to get up there again soon and try out my 8wt and some bunny strip creature flies as well as some baitfish imitations I've made.
those are some great pics and report never caught a large mouth bigger than 6 inches [fishin]
Thanks! I've been trying to beat my size record of 18" for about 18 years now. I've tied it numerous times, four times already this year even, but yesterday I finally pulled it off. Twice in one day no less. It felt pretty good after all this time, but I wonder how long it will take to beat 20"? At this latitude I just don't know [:/]
HI ,Duksnfish sorry to here Glendale was slow I was hoping on going there.We where at twin all day and only brought home 25 bluegill all on worms .We fished the south lake. whats weird is that one school would hit everything and the next school would be on a diet. We where in a white 14' boat.We left at 4pm. well maybe next week.
There were 3 of us in a semi V jon camoflauge and ya I saw you guys. They must have stopped when we saw ya and you must have fished hard for the ones you got. didnt see any come into the boat when we were there.

Good to know who was in the tube. Looked like you were knocking em dead. We did keep one about 14", one of the guys had never eaten bass so we kept one for him to try. It was the only one we got.

I think if the temps stay in upper 70's and low 80's it should put them on the bite. But, I looked back and last year it was arond the 4th of july too before much really took off on either twin or glenndale. You'd get a few but the big push was later too.

I really need a fresh mess of slabs so cant wait for them to hit it.

Good luck to ya all.
Sounds like the fishing there should be getting good. Thought I would jump in here and let everyone know that the smallies are very active at oneida. Been three times in the last week and a half and caught at least 25 each time out. Last trip yesterday we caught about 50, most of them small, but about ten over the 12 inch mark with one going over three pounds. Biggest I have ever seen there. Got three eyes as a bonus. We also ended the lives of about 50 carp. Got to love a place where you can catch a bunch of tasty fish and shoot carp until your arm gets tired.
Thanks for the info, I've been wondering about the smallies up there. Now I need to decide whether to go looking for more big largemouth at Twin, or go hunting smallies at Oneida. That's a tough call. What part of the res were you fishing?
It seems to me that every time i fish it i do better on side across from the road. I can catch more on the road side but the quality seems to be better on the far side. Just seems to be a ton of dinks on the close side.
Hmm, that's a lot of kicking about for me. I'll probably just stick to fighting the dinks on the road side. I'm likely heading up in the morning to give it a shot. Smallmouth have to be my favorite, so I just can't resist. I'm also going to be on the lookout for walleye and perch for some fish tacos. Yum.
What do you mean the side across from the road. Are you talking the south end of the south lake? or the North lake where the road crosses the dam and goes to the camp area across from the narrows that splits the two lakes.
We are talking about oneida. As for staying on the road side, you should be fine. We caught a couple nice fish on that side, and had some big ones follow our lures right to the boat. As for the walleye, they seemed to be off the shore a little further. Tube jigs, curly tails, and crawfish imitations worked the best for us. White seemed to be a hot color as it got later in the morning.
Cool, thanks for the info, I'll definitely try some tubes and grubs.
Nice one's at Twin. We slayed em too last weekend all the species were on fire(rainbows, perch, lmb,crappy and bluegill). I had to show you a nice blue gill that hit my 2/0 Senko. Also the smallies are on fire too in the Bear River below the dam. They are getting bigger this year.
Smiles Alwyas!
FISHINMA I think those fish you call bluegill are actually green sunfish. I might be wrong. Their mouths are bigger and they have green dots around its gills. LC
By the way, they are some good ones!
I have to agree that those are Green Sunfish. Looks like a record by the way.
I think I remember you or someone on BFT telling me that awhile back. Just looked up State records and I think it is a record for greens.
Thanks for clarifying that!!! I get mixed up with those sunfish. I am better atl the difference between a walleye and perch!lol
Smiles Always!

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