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There are little differences between all species. Arent we all humans? Yet we have huge genetic differences. What makes you think fish are any different? Like I said, walleye are DIFFERENT in every lake they occur in, only takes a few generations. This is proven and took the biologist by suprise too. You sir have lost all credibility by not researching the subjuct. LOOK IT UP!
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so you want the State to rase trout the feed to walleye? good luck pushing that one through.. lol it sounds good but in a state where 80% or more of the fishermen are trout fishermen i dont think your going to have much luck with it.. and yes the state dose catter to them.. need and example look at strowberry 80% of utah's trout fishing resorses (money) go into that lake alone.. the DWR well go where the money is!! sucks but thats the way it is... if ya want more walleye lakes convert more trout guy's.. again good luck with that! [crazy]
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Genetics ? Where's Darwin when you need him. Walleye could adapt to something as far as structure and feed preference but change genetically ? Not sure you understand on how that all works. But I'm willing to admit I am wrong if you can come up with the facts on that. I'll be amazed and it might change my thought waves on the origins of man but I'll admit I'm wrong.
Name a lake in all of Idaho that they have planted with perch since 2007 ? There are a few lakes they have planted Walleye but I don't think they have planted any perch in the last few years. I wish for a lot of things- I understand why many of them won't happen- I think a lot are wishing and blaming but not understanding.
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I'll put 6 live walleye in a cooler with a battery operated aerator which a bad guy could drop in the lake in about one second if a boat got to close. If someone is going to violate the law they are gong to do it. Don't punish us law abiding citizens for the act of those idiots who take the law into their own hands. Do I wish we had walleye in every lake, yes, do I encourage anyone to transplant, no. Asking to not use livewells will do absolutely zero to stop this and will just piss off people like me.
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Like this?? It doesn't prove that the genetics change when they are placed in different waters. It proves that over eons of time the walleyes in different waters are genetically unique. They are still walleyes, their individual "clans" spawn in different areas and retain their genetic traits. They can be artificially made to spawn together, and are still walleyes. It does not prove that the fish are changed by being placed in a different body of water.
There are many different sub species of rainbow trout, and cutthroat trout. They can be forced to cross breed. But when you put a Bear Lake Cutthroat in Strawberry it doesn't change the DNA. It doesn't change the DNA of a walleye if you take fingerlings (or adults) from Lake Erie and put them in Utah Lake.
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fuzzyman all we have to do for moore walleye waters is sit back and wait. they seem to have wings. they flew from ut lake to dc then flew from starvation to red fleet. sooner or later they will fly to the berry to fg and fly down the green. what surprizes me is that northers have not flown up from yuba to utlake. i dont like they way people move fish dc is in a bad way with the whites now being there. but the eyes will always survive. and walleye dont need a bucket or live well. i threw 3 in the back of my pickup and the temp was above 80. drove from buble up to west jrdn. they were dried out big time so i threw them in the sink a few min,s later the wife is yelling to of her lungs i run in the kitchen and they are splashing water everywhere on her clean dishes. they are tuff tuff fish and can be moved without water and survive. so as they fly to new waters i will fallow to[fishin] them.[cool]
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If memory serves me right, the UDWR planted northern pike in Utah lake many years ago. They didn't survive. The water is too murky for a predator that uses sight to ambush it's prey. They have lateral lines, and they can sense the presence of prey, but in the end, they rely on their eyes to attack. Now, if they ever get the carp under control (yeah, right) then the water will be clearer (so they say) and northerns would have a good chance. After all, they like shallow, reedy areas and Utah Lake is known for that kind of habitat.
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i thought i herd something about pike in utlake before. that must have many many yrs ago. ??? the lake is way cleaner than yrs ago. i think if they were planted around the river inlets they would do ok. i catch them ot yuba on the mudlines so i know they can handle some dirty water heck redmond is dark water and they do well in it. but the carp do not help by eating all the grasses of the bottoms.
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lol yeah i know they are some tuff buggers.. and hard to kill.. and i like you will fish for them wherever i can find them.. [sly] i got nothing agenst them. and fish for them my fair shair of the time...
just saying it's the DWR's job to stop this kind of thing form going on.. with help from us as well.. but the guy's doing this kind of thing are smart and are not easy to catch.. they dont just dump fish in somewhere where anyone can see them do it. and then brag about it. if they did they would be stoped sooner.. taking the means away from them might slow them down some tho... i have never had a problem keeping fish alive in a basket over the side of my boat or a stringer.. just have to rember the bring them in before hitting the big motor.. lol [shocked]...
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[quote fuzzyfisher].. but the guy's doing this kind of thing are smart ...[/quote]
no they aren't. They're idiots. they have no understanding of ecosystems, or biology. They are selfish, uneducated, ignorant, stupid people.
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I don't always agree with PBH. But he's right on this one.
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It doesnt change your babies dna if you breed outside your race or region either, your still human. But you will move your genetic traits to your offsping. Walleye are just really fast at developing different genes to adapt to the waters in which they exsist, sometimes in just a few generations of offsping. To as where a bass or trout would have to spend a few hundred to a few thousand years to develop gene specific traits in a particular body of water. So yes, they are still walleye, just walleye with specialized genes for a specific body of water which makes up their genetics.
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I never said they planted perch. But I have personally seen them plant 60,000 fingerling steelhead and 75,000 fingerling walleye. Hell, Ive seen the aftermath of them planting 4,000 hybrid 4+pound cutthroat in the same body of water, I think every trouter in the state was there trying to get a piece! Pretty fish though[blush].
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I will concede and admit your right. As much as would love more walleye lakes, we still cant condone the people doing this, which I think was the original intent of your post (like 90 posts back[laugh]) . We all have our favorite species and would like more oppurtunity to catch them. Unless you like rainbows, which they will be planting in your toilet and bath tub in a few years[cool].
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[quote mike4cobra] rainbows, which they will be planting in your toilet and bath tub in a few years[cool].[/quote]
and when they do, you walleye guys will complain that they aren't doing the same with walleye and perch!
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An organism's DNA doesn't change when it is moved to another environment. You do not exhibit a change in DNA if you move to a different elevation, a different climate, or different ecosystem. Neither do fish.
The studies that I referenced do not indicate that walleyes magically mutate in just a few generations either. They indicate that even in the same body of water, that there can be genetic traits for certain behaviors ie. spawning in streams or on rock structure in a lake. They do not indicate that if you move a certain strain of walleye to a new location that it will mutate in just a few generations to develop a new genetic strain. They do indicate that if you plant walleye from two distinct bodies of water that the two strains of walleye may maintain their genetic uniqueness, and may never intermingle. There is nothing that I have read that says that walleyes mutate or change DNA faster than other species.
Your baby's DNA is determined by your DNA and the DNA of it's mother. It's DNA would be slightly different if you were to breed outside of your race. The differences are minimal. For instance, sickle cell anemia is more prevalent in those of African decent. It is a genetic adaptation to malaria. If your ancestors weren't exposed to malaria for generations, you aren't genetically predisposed to sickle cell anemia. Children whose parents are of mixed race have an increased chance of developing those traits that their parents have.
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huh..... I already have walleye and perch in my bathtub.... where have you been?[:p] I think somebody planted german browns in my bathroom too, not sure if it was the state or not[sly].
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Hell yeah Walleye can change genetically. I have seen them grow fur when the water gets too cold for them. One walleye caught up in Canada had grown a hard shell around its body because little kids kept throwing rocks into the water.
One walleye actually developed a mean sounding growl because it was caught and released so many times by fisherman.....sounded just like a mountain lion..heck yeah walleye have incredible genetic change capability.
Sorry I have no proof......[sly]
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Yeah yeah yeah. Im opening myself up to all kinds of forum bash with out a link for proof, but, take it for what its worth. I just consider you the same kind of people that say I didnt catch any fish unless I post pictures[crazy]. Actually there are some links on here supporting what i said, just depend on how you read them. The information I aquired was from about 7or 8 months ago. They had compiled a bunch of University and DNR studies about the walleye genetics, was quite an interesting read. But once again, no link, so bash away.
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ya the big motor has cost me many a stringer of eyes on dc. well 3 stringers. i hate things hanging off the side of the boat. scratches the hull on my smoker carft. black paint dont look good all marked up. ya i know you hunt eyes remmember when i met at ut lake off the north dike at lindon using a float with your worm. you hooked a big headed 24 incher. about 4 yrs ago. phelps floater if memory serves. i dont worry about the guys moving fish anymoore its gona happen. like it or not like muscles nothing will keep them away forever. so i will just take advantage of all the new opportunities being created. if they dont last at least i bennafitted for a litle bit.[  ] gona move to why when i retire as well so 15 yrs and its on to a state that know how to please all anglers. [  ]