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EGG sucking leech question
What is you favorite color of egg on an egg sucking leech?

If it varies please say when to use which color.

Oh and what size leech i.e. 10 2X or 6 3X.
this is easy for me neon green or orange. Because that is what steelhead have a hard time not eating. For the size I like a 2-6 seems to work just fine
Yup. Chartreuse (or Florescent Orange) on Blood / Burgundy/black Semi -Seal or chenille.
Thanks I'll tie a couple up.
You could get a lot of different replies- I have always like Orange with purple and orange with black.
I like a real deep blue channel but thats just splitting hair isnt it?
I hate egg sucking leeches. But love egg sucking glo bugs.
I use black with purple.
Purple or burgandy marrabou leech with a chartreuse egg.

Black just seems to be too dark and chases the fish away, unless I am night fishing.

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