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Mirror Lake area
Hitting the mirror lake area tomorrow any suggestions?
Royal Wulff and Royal Humpy in red or green.
Yellow Sally, Caddis, Adams and on the nymphs, Renagade, Haresear, PT.
One thing I have noticed at Mirror, try PURPLE. My favorite is a Purple Quiggly Cripple.
Invitation to join us at Soldier Creek Sunday Morning.
WOW!! what a great trip! Caught 15-20 trout. Thanks for the tips. Royal wulff was the first thing i tried only took 2-3 casts to start catching fish. only had 2 of those flies and they were ripped to pieces in an hour or so. thought i would switch up and see what else would work. a stimulator worked great but the fly of the day ended up being my trusty old Hemingway caddis size 18.for some reason that fly consistently caught the biggest fish. I also put on a bugger got some followers but no takers.All were in the 8-15 inch range. 1 Brook the rest were Tigers. hope to get the pics soon there on my friend camera.
Awesome report, thanks!

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