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Mores Creek any good?
As I've explained in a few posts previously, I've just gotten back into fishing this year for the first time in my adult life. Not sure why I waited so long to get back into it. This year I've fished big rivers like the snake, big and small reservoirs and several ponds. The only thing I feel like I'm missing out on are small streams. I kayaked up stream from tripod reservoir and fished that for about 45 minutes earlier this summer until my wife/day planner said it was time to go home.

So I was wondering if anyone could comment on Mores creek and let me know if it was any good. I'd like to try using some flies on a casting bubble (fly rod is my Christmas wish this year). I'd like to try for some brookies and maybe some rainbows. Any help would be appreciated on if its even worth it or not or a better place nearby to get what I'm looking for. If you'd like to send a private message that would be great, too.

Tomorrow's my Sunday and I think I could get a sitter for my son for a few hours to recharge before work on Wednesday.

Thanks for any help.
What general area is Mores Creek in?

Mores Creek flows into Lucky Peak just outside of Boise.
Mores creek is kinda like the payette river. It holds a few fish, but it is not very good fishing waters. You would catcher fish in crooked river, elk creek, or many of the other creeks off of the Idaho city area. The boise river here in town is some pretty decent fly fishing.
Mores Creek was one of my quick sneakway spots for a long time and was pretty decent trout fishing but I quit going there about ten years ago when I started catching more squawfish than trout. It is probably worth trying and you don't have to go very far up past Lucky Peak. Crappie Slayer is right - the trout fishing is probably better in the Boise River. Welcome back to the wonderful world of fishing and I wish you good luck.
Well, that's two votes for Boise through town. I've actually never fished that part; I'm over here in Nampa and have kayaked and fished Star to Middleton but never up that far. Any suggested areas?
Did you not do well on the star to middleton stretch?
Mores Creek can be good for little wild redband rainbows, but if you want to catch more fish, try Grimes Creek.
When I went down the Star to Middleton stretch with my dad I didn't have any luck but he did well on a Meps spinner (Two rainbows and one nice brown).

I went out today to the downtown stretch. I ended up fishing right across from Boise State because, well, I spent several years driving there when I was a student and, absent anything else, that's my default destination.

I was on one of the little islands right across from Taco Bell Arena. I was using dry flies and a casting bubble with my spinning rod. I'm trying to learn all I can with flies before I (hopefully) get a fly rod this winter. The learning curve started small :

[Image: 100928_111822.jpg]

I then caught a decent sized rainbow planter. Put him on my stringer and continued fishing. I caught a slightly larger sized rainbow, was figuring out if he was wild or planted and he got away, making the "keep him or not" decision moot. I fished a little bit more. I had left my trout staked in the dirt at a spot I was confident he couldn't get away and was walking a short distance of shore, until I got tired of loosing flies and casting bubbles. I watched a little guy that was some swimming relative of a weasel (couldn't tell you witch one off the top of my head) then walked back to where I left the fish. Hadn't been gone for more than a few minutes, but I think the weasel (whatever his family name is, he became a weasel at that point) made off with him. No way the trout could have pulled the stringer out at that angle. So, realizing that,even in the middle of Boise, Nature had beaten me, I called it a day.

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