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To all those supposed "fishermen" who think that any wiper surface activity is fair game and figure it is perfectly acceptable behavior to blast all over the lake, searching for easy pickings on other folks success, then throttling into the middle of a boil someone else (or even a couple of cooperative boats) is fishing...
Get a life and learn some $#%&*%$ manners!!!
It's probably none of you around here, but there's some rude eggholes out there. Grrrrr...
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Understand that some folks don't realize that "throttling into the middle of a boil" will, more often than not, shut the boil down. Most folks, once they learn that, don't do it any more.
I was out there the last couple of nights and was quite impressed on how ALL 10-12 boats came in stealthy and respectable of each other. It was cool to see so many boats so close together, talking to each other, and catching fish.
Maybe a courteous reminder to the offenders would go a long way to improve everyon's fishing.
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I'm not one of those guys, but I thought this would be a good thread to piggy back on. I recently got a little fishing boat and I have read the state rules. What isn't in the rules is the etiquette. It's not illegal to be a "Boil Buster" but it's impolite, something that obvious I know.
Other situations are:
What if someone is trolling North on a shoreline? Am I allowed to troll north also, if so how far behind should I be?
What if I wanted to anchor or drift fish in an area that they have passed through?
Is it rude to anchor on a point and stay fishing there? What about a cove?
What if I want to ask another boat how they are doing or if they are having any luck?
How do you get a green light to approach them without seeming invasive.
Sorry so many questions, I'm only asking so I don't want to inadvertently become the "Boil Buster"
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I to have experienced this, last week me and my step dad fished a boil with two other boats when out of nowhere these three *** holes went right through the middle of the boil, luckily the boil didn't shut off. One guy in a boat that was fishing the boil with us told the guys who had plowed right through the middle of the boil that if they killed their main motor and used the electric that the boils would last longer, well these guys keep running their big motor through the middle and it was annoying to the point we left that boil and found another. Man people are stupid and ignorant. I wish i had my sling shot to put some steelies in there boat.
Some people will never learn etiquette and respect
On a positive note there was a boat of three gentleman who were pounding the wipers, i asked what were they using cuz the wipers would hit my spook but couldnt land em, well the gentlemen gave me and my step dad two of his secret lures and sure enough we caught a bunch of wipers. Good to know there are fellow fisherman with kindness and generousity. If you are a fellow bft member thanks very much
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I can't speak for anyone else but when I'm following behind someone that is trolling, I don't get any closer than 100 yds. My thought is that rarely do trollers have out more than 300ft of line. If you are trolling beside another boat, no closer than how far a side planner will go out the side, I like the rule of 100 ft or 33yds. In most cases I never try talking to anyone while trolling unless they pass by at 33yds or so because beyond that it is hard to hear them with the motor noise. You are fine if you want to anchor or drift because other boats should notice you are anchored and just go around you. I don't believe it would be rude to anchor on any point or cove as long as you don't do it right in front of someone that is going that direction. The only time I ever approach someone closer than 33yds while trolling is if it is someone I know and then I'll approach from the front, matching their speed so they don't have to change their speed or course. Hope that helps. WH2
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Feel your pain I no longer own a boat but toon & tube lots have had boats come too !@# close to me and even zip over my lines.
Heres utah Law
73-18-15.1. Vessel navigation and steering laws.
operator of any vessel may not exceed a wakeless speed when within [#ff0000]150 feet of:[/#ff0000]
(5)The operator of a vessel underway shall keep out of the way of a:
(a)Vessel not under command;
(b)Vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver;
([#ff0000]c)Vessel engaged in fishing; and[/#ff0000]
(d)Sailing vessel.
(10)The operator of any vessel may not exceed a wakeless speed when within [#ff0000]150 feet of:[/#ff0000]
(a)Another vessel;
(b)A person in or floating on the water;
©A water skier being towed by another boat;
(d)A water skier that had been towed behind the operator’s vessel unless the skier is still surfing or riding in an upright stance on the wake created by the vessel;
(e)A water skier that had been towed behind another vessel and the skier is still surfing or;
[#ff0000](f)A shore fisherman;[/#ff0000]
(g)A launching ramp;
(h)A dock; or
(i)A designated swimming area
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^^^^^ What he said. Etiquette aside, there are also laws pertaining to some of this stuff.
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You don't really expect people to sit idly by and watch you fish a boil all by yourself, do you? That will never happen. Now I agree wholeheartedly about blasting into the middle of a boil under full power. That is just rude. Everyone really needs to go electric and try to fish the edges of the boils. That is clear.
I fished a large boil last Saturday. I did not discover it, but I fished it, me and about 10 other boats. Were there people doing stupid things, spooking fish? Absolutely! I even yelled to a guy and told him he needed to be a little stealthier. Inexperienced wiper-maniacs need to learn proper technique. Should they sit on the sidelines and watch the lucky finder of the boil fish it all by themselves? ... uh, no.
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Not everyone has an electric motor, and most in utah don't have a 8 horse or smaller kicker motor which would be quiete enough too.
Sling shoting is too agressive, and you might hurt someone.
However if they come close enough you can rainbow arch throw a bait fish or jig in there. I say have at it because that means they are closer then about 20 feet. [  ]
It would be funny to land a shiner or chub in the middle of some guys boat too!!
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I think the etiquette outlined by Wiperhunter is a good set of rules of thumb to use. Even if you are trolling the opposite direction as someone else you should give them plenty of room, in case they try to turn as you come back down. Also, the boating rules are very clear from the Coast Guard on boats going opposite directions, you should pass them on the right, just like a car. I hate it when someone tries to squeze between me and the shore line when the shore is on MY right. Driving rules apply so don't screw up.
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Sometimes it is the speed boats and skiers, I do not think sometimes they know a boil is on. However do I like speed boats and some of the jurks that are behind the wheel.. not even, I find more respect with a fisherman any day.. my 2 cents...lets get along there is only so much water.and fish..[fishin]
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i feel for you, but your not wrong, if you are the first person on a boil it is yours,i think people should pull up slow and keep there distance, there is usually a way for more boats to fish a boil without interfering with the first boat.If not then the first person has the fish to himself!!! what i see on this board, is those are public fish and everyone has the right to them, they think they are entitled to knowledge about fishing that they have not worked to earn.times wont change things are not like they were before more people more pressure.That is why i dont fish boils anymore, i just sit back and enjoy the show.
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I guess when there's a boil that is 200 yards wide then it's all yours if you get there first. Given that the wipers are paid for at the expense of anglers who purchase a fishing license, it is only logical and courteous to accept others sharing in the action. It is rude to motor into a boil and a sign of sheer ignorance... but so is expecting to hog a boil to yourself in an area that everyone else has paid to fish.
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i said if you can fish without interrupting the guy who was there first,ok.if not let him have his space. it dont matter who paid for what, it is common courtesy.its like skybusting on ducks or shooting over someones elses decoys.If i error i error on the side of respect for others not about who paid for anything.I suppose if you could legally shoot an elk you saw another man stalking first you would, because you paid your money for a license.That is were our opinions differ .
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Out of respect you should not barge in on some one else's boil. Although no one owns a boil. The guy was right about everyone paying for those fish. But think how you would feel if they did it to you. I wouldn't mind if others were careful as the approached a boil I was fishing. A side note. Those fish grew up with boats over head all their lives. Water skiers go over boils and they stay up. But when they are that close to the surface they gotta notice. You gotta love boils at Powell or Willard. Good posts, ,makes ya think. Thanks.
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[quote gettingthereok]"... if you are the first person on a boil it is yours,i think people should pull up slow and keep there distance, there is usually a way for more boats to fish a boil without interfering with the first boat.If not then the first person has the fish to himself!!![/quote]
I have never experienced a wiper boil that there wasn't enough room for everyone that was trying to fish it.
If I see a boil that I want to fish, count on me to come up and join the prayer circle.
"... if you are the first person on a boil, it is yours." Ahhh, I don't think so.
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agree +1000.There is always room for more in an active boil. So long as everyone is on the same page being carefull not to spook the wiper everyone should have there share of the fun. [cool]
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Excellent conversation. Now let's all get out there and find us a boil. I will be there tonight... and nearly every night until the action is over for the year. If you see me on a boil, by all means come and join me, just mind your manners. [cool]
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i will also be out there tonight so hopefully we can find some boils, would be nice to know where they are and be able to let other fellow bfters out on willard know whats going on by some form of communication