10-22-2010, 07:23 PM
![[Image: bobmad.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/bobmad.gif)
![[Image: angry.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/angry.gif)
people please stop littering
10-22-2010, 07:23 PM
![]() ![]() [signature]
10-22-2010, 07:43 PM
Most people on here aren't the problem. Good reminder though.
I never have figured out the mentality of the litterers. They go out to a beautiful spot to -- fish, swim, play, picnic, drink, or whatever, then they leave it looking like a dump. If that is what they like, why don't they just go picnic at the local dump? And what is it about worm containers? I fished for a lot of years with worms, but I can't ever remember leaving a container anywhere. I have even contemplated that they should have a worm container "return refund" law! I have seen litter in the most remote and unlikely places, but it never ceases to amaze me. I usually end up packing out more than I brought in. I think it is more the party and picnic ones that are only there once or twice that are the real problem. They go somewhere else after awhile, because it is too messy where they have been! [signature]
10-22-2010, 09:18 PM
Well, I'll bite. This topic actually comes up pretty regularly. Ever heard the expression "your speaking to the choir?"
I have to believe it is the lurkers who are leaving the trash.[ ![]() I really feel like the regular posters on here are consciencious, decent, well educated anglers. They aren't the "people" leaving the trash. Windriver [signature]
10-22-2010, 09:24 PM
Worms should only be allowed for sale in 100% biodegradable containers. Nothing with a life of more than a month or so. Funny story - I lost one of those blue plastic worm containers last year ice fishing at SFCR. The wind came up and away it went dumping the worms out. Well Avery and I started chasing that thing and everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. By the time I caught it I was a half mile down the ice. It finally stopped in a cove that was filled with worm containers and water bottles. I stuffed all the garbage in my coveralls and made my way back to our truck. My wife I said I looked like the Pillsbury Dough Boy coming back. lol
10-23-2010, 12:11 AM
I agree to some degree, but I think it goes way beyond lurkers. I would guess that even lurkers , being interested enough to log in and view have a better conscience than the general public. I think it's a certain class of the general public that have bad habits in their life style and just don't give a dang. [mad] They are becoming more prevalent with the ease to get a free ride from the gov, don't have to work, paid to be unemployed, can't do the hard stuff because of back pains, etc. and the only ones that can do it are the "illegals" because it's too "hard" etc.. etc. Ok, now I've started something. Sorry for the rant. I'm just an "old geezer" out of touch, pissed off at the general softness and "you owe me" attitude and I guess I'm just biased. [crazy]
P.S. My opinion, you've preached to the wrong audience and won't change much. [frown][frown][frown][frown] But good on ya for trying!!! Don't know how to reach the "other" folks. [frown] [signature]
10-23-2010, 01:15 AM
It is annoying dealing with irresponsible people, you have heard me complain plenty of times about trash detail required most times i go fishing. What irritates me is i can usually find the walmart bag this crap probably showed up in, and people sit and complain that property owners close their property to anglers, it's because they don't want someone leaving garbage behind for them to clean. I think there are more responsible anglers than not, but those few that do choose to leave their trash ruin it for everyone. It amazes me that you can go to some place pretty remote and still find garbage laying there. I have a vw hubcap full of bullet holes that my dad found miles away from any road. I have also learned that in most cases it doesn't do any good to say anything to people that do leave trash(even if there is a can on there way to the car), I don't know how many times i have been told what to do to myself by some half drunk ignoramus or gotten a no comprende blank stare, so in the end i carry a bag with me and pretty much count on bringing more out than i take in.
10-23-2010, 01:28 AM
last year during hunting season i made a post about litter. i was on top of a mountain!!!!! not a hill a bulge or ridge. i was on the tip top of a mountain. the only reason that anybody would have been up there was because you absolutley wanted to be there. it was no easy hike with my pack and my bow. well i get to the top and what do i find? an empty 2 liter bottle of pepsi some candy rappers and an insole to somebodies boots!!!!!! i was erked!!!! stuffed it all in my pack and took it off the mountain.
10-23-2010, 01:57 AM
Right on Jeremy. I walk my dog on a beautiful stretch in the city around the Jordan river. I am always picking up garbage, which could be the winds fault, but one thing that really gets me, is all the DOG POOP! This is the city folks, yea, there are pine trees and bushes and it looks like the wilderness, but it isn't, it is a PUBLIC WALK-WAY.
Simple, carry a plastic bag! Some dogs even go right on the pavement! I am a dog owner and have been all my life but respect! I specially hate cleaning my wading boots because people let their dogs go by the Provo and the Weber. Even Millcreek has a wall filled with plastic bags. Every other day no leash but clean up after your dog. Sorry! But, I get very upset too. [signature]
10-23-2010, 02:44 AM
Are you a hoarder? What the heck are you doing with the VW?
I went on a fishing trip to Utah Lake late on a Saturday. On Sunday (when I unpacked the truck) I realized I left something behind. On Monday, I drove back to the spot I was fishing, TONS & TONS like literally at least 100 beer cans & bottles & boxes all over where I was fishing. I didn't even bother to look for my wallet, I knew anyone that would leave a place looking like that sure as weren't they type to tell me they found my wallet and return it with all of the cash I had in it. I like the worm container deposit idea. ![]() [signature]
10-23-2010, 02:52 AM
Not to mention the idiots who start fires on people's property and then chuck all their trash in the pit. Sadly I have to say that if I owned land I probably wouldn't let people use it either just because of these kinds of idiots. I really can't blame property owners for closing access.
10-23-2010, 03:18 AM
I always try to pick up other's trash. If you or I dont pick it up, who is going to ??? We all have to do it. The guys that are littering are not coming back to get it. I dont like it, but that's the
![]() [signature]
10-23-2010, 03:54 AM
not a horder, but i am somewhat of a vw nut i own 5 of them but only 2 of them run, one is a daily the other needs brakes before it can be driven the rest are in varios stages of restoration. I thought the hub cap would look good on the wall the chrome is still good just has about 50 bullet holes in it.
10-23-2010, 04:10 AM
It used to bother me to pick up other peoples litter,
Not so much any more though. Not sure when or why my attitude changed,,anymore i just figure it's part of the deal, most of the time it doesn't take but a few minutes to clean up an area. I don't try to get it all everywhere i go but i always knock a big dent in it. It feels good to do my part, and it always gives me a good feeling to leave a place better than i found it.. [signature]
10-23-2010, 04:28 PM
oh yes dog doodie is another one that bothers that heck out of me if I'm going fishing and step in some ones dog's doodie I get mad. I was out yesterday fishing walking bank and the mile or so of river I walked I scene more shot gun shels then I should why do people leave these on the ground. They don't look cool there. They look horrible. And I understand that alot of people do pack out what they broughtin which is totaly cool. And I really like to hear I'm not the only one who leavs with more trash than I showed up with.. The other day when I was driving home I went passed a scertan part of town and thought to my self those are the people litering cuz there yards are coverd in garbage a bunch of white trash is what they are. Any one with any self respect wouldn't do this simply said. But hey alll thanks for your posts.. This was a rant and it had to be done. Keep fishing and keepin it clean
10-23-2010, 06:29 PM
I respect the desire of the public to have access to and thru private land, and I think it really bites that the few obnoxious folks ruin it for all those that would respect and appreciate the opportunity. If you can't read a sign, how can you abide by it?
Coworker told me about a friend of his who used to let folks come fish through his private land, or wander his fields pheasant hunting. But when some bozos decided to come out a mow a baseball diamond into his field - he drew the line. If you build it - he gonna lock the gait! Talk about audacity!!! And though I'm not a conservative, I do feel for your sentiment Leaky - the whole mentality of "deservedness" and "take without give" just sux. Always the solution - just sue! Uh yeah, not. Joni - dig your new Avatar. Got a young rocker eh? Right on!
10-25-2010, 03:46 PM
I keep a roll of cheap garbage bags in my gear bag.
It doesn't take much time to clean up a fishing spot. [signature] |
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