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Steelhead in Salmon
So my kids came up for the weekend and I had to work today (of course). So they got up this morning and headed down river. My oldest son Tyler caught one little guy (about 24 inches) and they came back to the house. When I got off work we headed down river and I got one nice one 27 inches and Tyler caught another 24 incher. It is really starting to pick up again. We'll hit it hard again tomorrow before they have to head home. Will post some pics when we are done tomorrow.
Sounds good. Can't wait to see the pictures.

Thanks for the report steelfan its good to hear people catching fish out there. I will be headed out there thanksgiving weekend and I hope I'm not to late. I've heard people catching alot of fish near town this last week. Have you heard much going on down past the North Fork?
My father in law and I were up on Friday evening/Sat morning and I only hooked into one fairly nice one that decided to spit my fly in my face. Sounded like the drift boats were hitting them pretty good between Carmen and Tower though. We drove down around Shoup and it still looked like alot of people were getting fish, yet everytime we talked to the F&G they were saying there counts were like 4 fish for each half of the day. So either people are lying or they arent asking the right people.
I was below corn creek on Tuesday. Landed one wild on a pink and black Jig. It was a little slow but still better then work. I only saw one other fish caught, but i think the fishing is still on the up swing. I plan on going down again thursday.

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