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HAPPY VETERANS DAY to all that served!
Happy Veterans Day to all that risked or finally Gave all for God and Country. I salute each and every one of you that wore the Uniform of this Great Country!!! Sincerely,
1st Sergeant Robert A. Tuttle, U.S. Army (Retired) [Smile]
And now to all the residents of Canopus Lake, I AM ON MY WAY to feed you!!![fishin]
Thank you and the same to you 1st Sergeant [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
... and lets not forget those that are currently serving all around the world to protect those liberties that we all cherish ...

MacFly [cool]
YES!!!!Thanks Guys & Gals. My daughter in the Air Force and my Nephew the Navy and to my adopted son Zach. Thanks all of you.
[quote flygoddess]and to my adopted son Zach.[/quote]

does this mean i now get a weekly allowance?
No, but don't feel to bad, your step sister doesn't either...LOL
A salute and thank you to all who have or are currently serving!

And a big hug to my son and son-in-law who are currently active duty!
you are too old for an allowance.. other than those Uncle Sam gives you ... [:p]

vet to vet lil' bro... just do us all a favor and stay safe and get back to us to wet a line again....

MacFly [cool]
I thought Zach was an adopted brother .. LOL..

MacFly [cool]
I have a step-daughter name Lana....(Alan/Lana...hummm, thought long on that name huh...LOL)
ahhhh it all makes sense now... and its great knowing that I have a new niece.. :-)

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