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Rex Rammel has some serious issues!!!!lol
if this was anyone of us we would have been thrown in handcuffs and marched straight to jail. this guy is a nut job!!!!!! check the link to the story.
The Officers involved showed much more patience than they probably should have. Should have been arrested on the spot, Elk, Gun and Vehicle confiscated.
WOW! Can you imagine if this guy was our governor? We'd all be screwed!
This guy is a seriouos nut case. I hope [url "mailto:F@G"]F@G[/url] throws the book at him. I mean, come on, How can you play that stupid when it comes to the rules on Elk. He is just a wannabe politician who thinks he is above the law. Lock him up and throw away the key before he does something else stupid. Some of his comments remind me of Claud Dallas.
If he can't understand the Fish & Game Booklet , What makes him think he could run the State of Idaho . Curt G.
its ppl like this that should be taken over to a place like iraq and let them see how good we have it in our great country.
i thought the same exact thing prvrt. he reminded me of claud dallas also.
This guy is truly disgusting and a detriment to Idaho as a whole. I really hope that they give him a big fine and revoke hunting privileges for a while at least and hopefully throw him in a cell for a while as well.
I used to be a Rammell supporter and I am still on his email list. I just got his from him.


I need your help. Please read the attached article that will appear in newspapers across the state. Please call your paper and ask them to run it. If they didn't receive it, please forward the article. The Fish and Game are making a big deal out of this trying to disparage me with half truths, suggesting I poached the elk and threatened an officer. My case against the Fish and Game will come to trial next year and they are trying to portray me as a lawbreaker. The truth of what happened in this case needs to get out. Please help me get my story out and call the Fish and Game at 334-3700 and demand they return the elk to me.

Includes was this attachement.

[center][font "Calibri"]Guilty Till Proven Innocent[/font]
[font "Calibri"]November 30th was a great day, at least until I met a game warden on the trail. I had finally harvested a nice fat cow elk on the last day of the hunt. I punched my tag and was headed home. The officer stopped me and asked for my license and tag. I respectfully gave them to him. He said “your tag is not valid for this area.” I explained to him when I bought the tag at Sportsman’s Warehouse they told me I could hunt in any open zone in Idaho. He informed me that was incorrect. I asked him to show me the regulation. He could not, but insisted the tag was invalid. I said “fine, give me a citation; I will fight it in court.” Then he said I couldn’t keep the elk. I said “but I haven’t been proven guilty.” He didn’t care. He said “I have to take your elk.” I asked him why. He said it was evidence. I replied “can’t you take a picture or do you intend to mark her as an exhibit and display her in the courthouse?” He said “I’m taking your elk.” I said “you better get your gun out, because you’re going to have to shoot me if you want this elk.” I then explained to him, if he wanted the elk he would need a warrant. He backed off and said he would follow me out, which he did. Meanwhile, he called ahead and had two state policemen, two deputy sheriffs, and another game warden were waiting for me in Idaho Falls. After arguing for an hour whether the elk was contraband and whether they had the right to confiscate the elk without a warrant or not, I finally gave in and let them take her. However, that wasn’t good enough for them, they had to release a press statement all over Idaho implying Rex Rammell had been caught poaching an elk and had threatened an officer. Question: If I get shot, who threatened who? I should have read the rules closer, all 96 pages of them, but I didn’t. But what really angers me is their “guilty till proven innocent” attitude. I had an “A” tag that was required to hunt in Tex Creek. My greatest crime could only be hunting in the wrong zone. Can that possibly be grounds for confiscation of my elk? Shouldn’t I have the right to argue my case before being found guilty by a game warden on the trail? What is it with these Nazis? Honest mistakes are treated as harshly as blatant violations. And wouldn’t a suitable fine be sufficient if I actually did break the law by mistake? Why do they need to take my elk? I think it is time to turn management of the PEOPLES fish and game back to local control by fishermen and hunters at the county level. After all, they actually know what is going on with the fish and game and would like them to be plentiful. To that end I will continue to fight.[/font]

[font "Calibri"][/font]
[font "Calibri"]Here is my reponse email to him.[/font]
You should have read the regs. Its not that difficult to understand. Never take someone else's word. You of all people should know that.
I wouldn't be surprised if he planned the whole thing just to get some publicity. This guy is crazy. He's probably been meeting with his lawyers planning this whole thing for months. I think its backfired big time, he's not going to gain suporters for poaching elk. I just don't buy his story about thinking his tag was good for any open area. Its actually one of the easiest rules to understand.
Even if he is telling the truth in his "rebutal", doesn't make it any different. You are required to know the laws before you go in the field. Ignorance is no excuse.
He probably thought it was a supertag too! I'm surprised he didn't kill a deer and try to tag it with the same tag. No wonder he didn't win the election, he is illiterate.
I was wondering what his "interesting" side of the story would be. Thanks for posting it so we would know. I also want to thank you for your simple and eloquent response to his letter. As mentioned, ignorance is not an excuse. Maybe an explanation, as in it explains why he's an idiot.
Quote:[font "Calibri"] I should have read the rules closer, all 96 pages of them, but I didn’t. But what really angers me is their “guilty till proven innocent” attitude. I had an “A” tag that was required to hunt in Tex Creek. [/font]

Sounds like he knows he messed up and is just looking for sympathy.

[font "Calibri"]My greatest crime could only be hunting in the wrong zone. Can that possibly be grounds for confiscation of my elk?[/font]

Well, if you robbed a bank, do you think the cops will allow you to keep the money until you are proven guilty/innocent?

WOW!! You can tell he has the brains of a politician.
After reading Rammel's letter to the papers, I felt inclined to take his advice and contact the IDFG. After that my actions and his recommendations separated. I expressed support for them doing their job in spite of a difficult personality. I also suggested that they do something with the elk. I recommended they donate it to a food bank, soup kitchen or needy family in the area. I encourage everyone here to contact the IDFG and support them and encourage them to put the elk to good use.
this is coming from the same guy that wanted to shoot hunters that harvested the game farm elk he had on his property and escaped. they were shot due to fears of cwd. it would seem he calls all the shots from any side of any argument.

i would agree i don't like some of the f&g tactics, undercover officers ect. and the elk regs could be improved for sure. but not even reading them ?
Does anyone believe that someone at Sportsman's Warehouse told him that tag is good any where . Rex better never go on the show ,Smarter Than a Fifth Grader .He would loose for sure . Curt G.
do i believe him? absolutely not. do i think he is lying through his teeth? of course i do.
im sure spotsman told him it was an open tag, but was talking bout a freaking deer tag. this guy is nuts and totaly doing it for publicity but is too stupid to use it to his advantage. idaho regs are the easiest regs of all the states to understand!! i knew this guy was a creep from his whole elk farm issue... he has had it out for tfish and game since then. we may not allways agree with fish and game and some of the things they do but for the most part they do their job as we do ours. as for rex
???? ha ha. cant wait to see what happens. he just lost his chance for any election at any level by any hunter that holds respect.

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