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strawberry ice condition
Has anybody been to strawberry? How is the ice at mud creek?
"into the great wide open....under the sky of blue".... Wont be tilll january.... :-(
My bad...welcome to the site... I done fat fingered by reply[fishon]
Dont know bout mud creek but there was some guy out on soldier creek all by himself. VERY iffy ice it looked like i figured there would be a hole the next time i drove by from him going through.
i hit strawberry yesterday. mud creek was iced over towards the lake. a little slushy. i didnt fish though so i cant report on that. there is packed snow on the road leading to mud creek.
After coaxing from my buddy, I dragged my tin can fishing boat to Strawberry on Sunday. There was one other boat on the water. The ramp was fine, the weather was beautiful, and the fishing was AWESOME.

Ice is forming on most bays and around the edges. However given the nice weather, launching a boat is not a problem. The road in was not too bad either.

We 'landed' 42 cutts. Missed a dozen or so. The fish are big and colorful and seemed to fight a bit better than earlier in the year.

Ice will be a bit late this year. I agree that real safe ice won't be ready until January.

Thanks, PowerBate
We actually fished that exact spot on Saturday. I measured it at a solid 4". I noticed two different sled tracks one being a co-worker that went out a couple days earlier. The fishing wasn't fast, but it keep us busy.

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