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Hey me and my buddies want to head out coyote hunting but dont know much about where to go or what to do. Ive heard that you can call them but dont know how. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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i live in sw idaho and could give you some ideas of areas. coyote hunting isn't much different that turkey hunting. need camo, must set up in good areas and find " hot " game. there are various calls you can use. you can use a 5 dollar mouth call all the way up to a 700 dollar electric call with subwoofers midrange speakers ect.. the basic concept is to set-up hopefully on the outskirts of agriculture, or wintering range on blm land ect. hide and call emulating a wounded animal. howling is effective for locating them as well. hide with a vantage point of close to 360 degrees as possible. if you are hunting in a snowy area look for coyote, mouse, rabbit tracks this will go a long way in finding a good spot. as for cartridges, anything will work. it is great practice with your deer-elk rifle. however most prefer .204 ruger and on up to .243 win with varmit bullets. however calling them in close and using a shotgun or revolver is intertaining as well. hope this helps some and good luck !
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Right now might not be the best time to go off the good roads. I got stuck Christmas Eve at 2:00 pm and didn't get out until 9:00 am Christmas day. The first rescue truck also got stuck and the second had to have chains on all 4 to get to me. We had to Jack the truck up and put boards under the tires to get it out. If you go be careful. Ron
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ohhh what a bummer ! bet the wife was pleased huh ? that is why with my in-laws in town i wasn't permited to go out of town ! i did the same thing a few years back in the danskins. was able to drive out once the snow froze at night but still wasn't fun.
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You just gave me my next excuse for when my in-laws show up. Whew!!!!! I was running out of ideas.[cool][cool]
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Blast a few of them varments fornus all. They do so much damage to the wildlife in so many ways.