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I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a slow the last few days, or do I need to change it up? I had some pretty awesome days last week and the week prior but now I'm lucky to pull up 10 baby blues per trip. Thanks- Tight lines!
[cool]Mantua typically slows down after it's had safe ice for a month and a half or two months, which is the case now, due to all of the massive pressure/noise - especially over in the SouthEast corner where the little city on the ice gathers.

If you want to do well there, head North of there where it hasn't been fished much yet or just wait another week or two when pressure will decrease there due to other bodies of water having safe ice (i.e. Newton, Pineview, Echo, East Canyon, Rockport, etc.) that also have panfish through the ice.
Between my wife and I Thursday we caught well over 100 fish. We brought home 9 bigger bluegill and one trout. I even finally caught a sunfish. Really pretty fish. They are biting very light so you need to watch your line and not the tip of your pole. Very small ice jigs work the best with a wax worm.
[cool]another tip, green seems to be the best color to use up there. Green teardrop shaped jigs are working well... Wasn't getting much action on my Utah Lake killer (white colored ratso)...
Thanks for the feed back! I'm glad there is still some catching going on.
I had my best day at mantua on Wednesday evening. It was non stop bites on both poles, I had both poles rigged up the same. Small pink and glow ice flies It didn't seem to matter wether they were tipped with meal worms or wax worms. I think the key is a good spring bobber, I just picked up some new ones from sportsmans, big eyes is the name of them and they seem to work really well.

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