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Current Yuba Conditions 12/12/11
[cool][#0000ff]Got a reply back from Jeff Rasmussen.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Thanks Jeff[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]1. Current ice conditions?[/#0000ff]
4-6" on the west side at Oasis and 5-7" at Painted Rocks. The edges are weak because of rising water levels so be careful getting out. As always, it is good to drill test holes on your way out to verify thickness.
[#0000ff]2. Lake level? Potential to fill this year?[/#0000ff]
The lake level currently sits at 57.79' which is 15 feet up from its lowest point this past Fall. Our snowpack currently sits near 200% so I think we have a good chance of filling this year.
[#0000ff]3. Fishing reports...perch, walleyes, pike?[/#0000ff]
There have been very few people fishing the ice so far this season. I have only talked to a couple of people. One at Painted Rocks this past Monday caught four 12"+ healthy looking perch. Another at Oasis this past Sunday only caught one perch in four hours. Bottom line is that its pretty slow for most. I have heard rumors that there have been other people out that have done good but have not been able to confirm the stories.
[#0000ff]4. Best area of the lake at present?[/#0000ff]
My guess is near the island at Painted Rocks but thats a guess at best. I just dont have much info to go by yet.
[#0000ff]5. Roads plowed?[/#0000ff]
The roads in are plowed. There is still about 12" of snow on the ground off the roads.
[#0000ff]Anything else we might need to know?[/#0000ff]
Come and give it a try and let me know how you do. I would love to hear some success stories!! as always, current conditions can be found on our website at: [url ""][/url]

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