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I was on the ice around 6:30 this morning. Didn't get a bit until around 7, but from then until about 10:30, the bite was steady. Slowed down after 10:30 or so, but was still able to catch some fish. My buddy showed up a little later and landed an 18-inch rainbow. I didn't get a picture of it, but here is the nearly-17-incher I got. Pretty fish for Hyrum, I thought. I left around 1 pm, after catching close to 50 trout and 4 perch. The perch were dinks. As we were leaving, there were some groups still reeling in the fish. Fun day in all.
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Good looking trout, Ben! It was great seeing you out there again. I think our group iced around 20 trout, and only 1 perch. Several more that fell off before getting out of the hole. Not bad for 2 hrs. Still, I think we got there too late. That was my one friend's first time ever ice fishing and even though he only caught one, he had a good time.
Wondering how John ended up doing.
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new to ice fishing where at hyrum should i try thanks
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Hey thanks for the report. I have noticed that you have had some pretty good trips over to the dam, I was wondering if you find that location is key or is it presentation? I have made a few trips over there and caught a few fish but it seem that the action is only good for the first 15 to 30 minutes then it dies right off and we have move a little ways and have a repeat. Good for a few minutes then off. I wonder if I just need to keep looking for that sweet spot or try something besides the standard ice fly and waxie. Any advise would be perfect. Thanks
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Ended up doing pretty well. Again - when I saw you we were biffing it. About nothing on the camera, occasional school of trout come wafting through. Move, moved again, and third time was the charm Deeper and farther to the middle than most folks go, and we got onto the perch.
The cam came alive - fish EVERYWHERE. We had iced a couple trout before, but once we got onto the perch school -it was nonstop. And funny to watch - as my son would pronounce - Trout in the dungeon! Perch would scatter, dust would cloud and a school was in. Had one rod with braid line and the heavy marabou black jig - they loved that, just off the muck. It was busy!
The perch were finicky as usual. Little pecks, hardly a "take". Got the camera dialed in on David's lure, and he had a great time watching the school toy with his offering.
Sent quite a number back down the hole, some were having a hard time from the depth, but managed. Dave even hooked up a double!
Heading to Willard for an early start. Hope to get out before the Walleye go to bed!
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Thing I've observed with the trout - it they come through in a school - hit hit hit, then they're gone for a while. Maybe 10-15 minutes later they pass back through.
As Ben said - if you follow the pattern of where folks plant - all along the cliffs and shorelines from the inlet. From big-toe and beyond.
I've seen occasional perch up there, but have found the deeper water, more towards the middle seems to hold more schools of perch right on the bottom. Nothing Starvation worthy - I think my biggest was 9 inches, with 7 being most common. And I find spring bobbers key to detecting the bite. Half the time just tugged at a bump, and once in a while - hit it. Lots of misses.
Didn't get on any monster trout this time. Too bad - I was ready with that braid line! Didn't get to trying the new jigs yet. Spent all that time pre-tying. But next time! Shore look purdy!
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Glad you got into them!
That was a lot of folks on the lake yesterday, too much for my liking. But it was still fun. One of Ben's Friends (no pun intended), landed a nice trout just to the south of us. And Ben got into that big one and returned him for another day.
Great day.