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So I just wanted to get some opinions on this....sound travels thru water and ice quite a way....
so do you think a 4-wheeler running around constantly on the ice for a long time would affect the fishing that much.
The reason I ask....we were marking quite a few fish yesterday and getting hits, even hooked a few....then some folks moved a small town out on the ice. after several trips back and forth hauling stuff, and the kids dragging each other around and spinning cookies on the ice for what seemed like an hour.....we didnt get any more hits...didnt see any fish on the finder.....they were about 50 to 75 yards up river from us.
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Well Im no expert on the subject but im sure the vibration from the quad vibrates the ice and I guess the thickness of the ice and the dept of water your fishing would need to be taken into consideration but I don't think its enough to spook fish 75 yards away. Ive known guys to punch holes next to there snowmobiles running to test the water before they hit there next spot and able to bring in a fish.
But we were at about 20 to 30 feet of water...
Take PV for example that place get packed and with all the people coming and going & kids running round Im still able to catch fish.
Just my guess you may have gotten into a moving school of fish who were cruising through and were able to pick up a few as they passed by.
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I have seen the change at strawberry with the fishing, when there is a lot of noise on the ice. I hate to fish near a lot of people for that reason. I maybe wrong, but I think it makes a big difference.
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I definatly see problems all the time with noise on mantua. Any time we are catching fish and then a 4 wheeler comes by or a power auger gets going, The fish go somewhere else for a while. Mantua is a shallow lake that may be more sensitive to noise than a big deep lake like pine view.
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You'd sure think the noise would spook the fish, but then I think about trolling. We've trolled around Willard with the motor going the radio turned up and it has never seemed to scare the fish away. If the noise spooks fish you would think the power augers would also spook fish but I've drilled holes in less than 10 feet of water and caught fish right away.
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We were just south of Lost Dog/Confluence. the water was about 50 to 60 feet was 12 to 14 inches thick. Even if the 4-wheelers didnt affect the fishing...they sure irritated me...
Getting up at 4 to drive hour over, get on the ice at daybreak...just to get time to hear dang atv motors running for an hour or so.....wasnt how I envisioned the day. I dont mind an auger running here and there.......but that was ridiculous! As it turned partner had an emergency so we had to leave....
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Ya you do got a point we had a couple guys snow mobiling around the lake the whole time we were out. The sounds of there engines was irritating especially when they got near the shore were we were fishing.
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I have seen the fishing go from red hot to completely dead when snow machines or 4 wheelers circle us shopping for fish. The same thing when a guy pounds a hole in the ice. Our best times and biggest fish come when it is totally quiet. Sound travels through solids and water a lot better than air. Just tap on your fish tank at home and see what the fish do. They don't like it and will try to hide. Fish are very sensitive to to sound/vibrations, especially in shallow water. Sometimes they will come back sometimes they won't.[sly]
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Or like the guy who comes out on his snowmobile - that obviously has NO sort of muffler mechanism, and has to rev and roar from one spot to another - all of 5 feet moved, time and again. Rooooommmmmm vrooooommmm - seriously! If you're only nudging around - USE YOUR FEET!
I can see - where getting across a lake - the benefit of the motor, but for pete's sake! Give the lake, the fish, and the fellow fishermen a break! Park the damned machine!
I swear - what was a peaceful day on the lake sure got broke up enuf by all the hubbub!
Some fish are more spooky that others. Walleye for example - high tail it when there's lots of disturbance. That's where side-planers and electric trolly's come into play!
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I have seen both. I have caught Steelhead under jet boats that were back trolling with there main motor. Also I have had a school of Wiper shy off cuz some other fisherman ran his boat thru the school. If the fish leave because of noise they should come back when the noise goes away.
I also have seen ice fisherman hit there pole with a beer can to attract fish. It worked and he caught fish when no one else was. I think noise bothers us more than anything else. [mad]
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I recall one time on a farm pond in South Dakota when noise is what woke the fish up or whatever. There were several of us fishing and it got totally dead. One guy moved off a little way and drilled a new hole. Within minutes the action was back. When it would die off somebody would drill another hole and the action would rebound. The pond was only 18' deep at its deepest point and we were only fishing in about 6 - 8' of water. I fished that pond frequently after that and noticed similar results most times. We were fishing for perch, crappie and largemouth bass.
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I believe it depends on the specific circumstances of the environment. Fish know their environment and what is "normal" and "safe" where they live and things (shadows, movements, vibrations) that are abnormal causes a cautious reaction. Fish are constantly aware of dangers and they are also constantly looking for opportunity to feed both of which are telegraphed to their senses. Vibrations in the water give them clues as to what is going on. Fish are used to many different types of noise (vibrations) in the water. Fish that are in an aggressive feeding mood will often check out low frequecy vibrations (such as an auger cutting ice, the splash of a lure, or diving birds) that may signal a feeding opportunity. Unfamiliar, sustained noises such as boats, ATV's, and snowmobiles often cause fish to go inactive or move. As much as anything, these noises may cause the smaller prey organisms to retreat making it less profitable for predators to be on the hunt. Just a thought based on observation.
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Noise travels extremely well in water. As a diver I can tell you that things sound closer than they are underwater. While ice fishing I have seen the fishing shut right off due to snow machines, quads, and just noisy people.
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Has anyone actually observed or been involved with any study that supports noise induced fish movement. It would seem that summer boat noise would literally kill every fish at Willard, Jordenelle, Rock Port, East Canyon and the rest if they responded to boat traffic by innitiating evasive action every time a boat came near. Literally No Where to Hide without Dieing Trying.
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I dunno, but I was fishing 9 ft of water with a jig at about 5 ft, Started drilling a hole not 3 ft from my other one... About half way through the ice I had to drop the power auger to grab my pole before the fish took it into the water!
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In my opinion, it's not the noise that scares fish, but the change in noise. If it has been relatively quiet, and then a parade goes by, the fish will spook. If the parade is fairly constant, the fish will acclimate to the noise and resume the search for food.
Just my thought
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Since there is nowhere to hide they either get used to it or starve. They get used to it to a point. That's one of the reasons that fishing can be so much better at dawn and dusk. Few water skiers get out before the sun is up and the day has warmed up. Plus there is the issue of depth. Fish will either move deeper, or off to the side, hence the effectiveness of side planers.
I've observed the same thing as others who've posted. I like to have my brother go ice fishing with me. He has several snowmobiles. I like him to get me to the fishin' and then leave to ride his snowmobiles elsewhere. If he keeps coming back the fishing shuts off. If he stays away the fishing improves.