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Ice Fishing Derby this Saturday
Just a reminder to all, we have the ice fishing derby at Sulphur Creek this Saturday the 5th. There is still room for people to come and we have a reduced price set up with a local hotel. Entry is $25. Hope to see you all there[cool] The info is attached one more time.
How much is a non-res fishing license(day) and how much will the motel room cost?


daily non-res is $14 dont know the hotel price
Wish we could come but we have done the sulfer creek tourneys in the past while sick and we arent doing it again. Why must god punish me y giving me the flu! The one year i didnt get a flu shot..
Well if you get better before then, still come on down we would love to have you. This derby is not the same as the one that used to be here. The old one was done by the Lions Club, this is being put on by my youth softball teams and the rules are different. If you have any questions let me know or if someone else may be interested definitely let them know they are welcome also.
Sounds like this will be pretty fun I too would like toknow the hotel cost
I called the Best Western Dunmar Inn and with the discounted rate the rooms will be $55.99, this is one of the better hotels in town with a very nice restraunt and lounge at the Inn. The phone number for them is (307) 789-3770. I have also made arrangements with the Howard Johnson, I appologize but I do not know their rate. They also have a restraunt and lounge on the property and their phone number is (307) 789-2220. Hope this helps everyone and I am doing my best to make it as easy as possible for all. Again I appreciate all that have pre-registered and everyone that is planning to attend to support these kids. There is still room for others that would like to join us at the derby. Hope to see you all there and good luck!
It is correct the non-resident fishing daily license is $14.00, as far as I know they can be purchased at the following places in Evanston: Wal-mart, Sportsworld, and RIPs, I am sure there are others in town that you can get them at. I purchase my Utah non-resident fishing license here in Evanston so I am sure you could probably get the Wyoming licenses at your Utah outlets also. If you have any more questions I'll try and answer them the best I can.
[left]Had people say they couldn't open the attachment, so here is the info.
[center]Evanston Thunder Softball Presents:[/center]
[center]Sulphur Creek Challenge Ice Fishing Tournament[/center]
[center]Location: Sulphur Creek Resevoir (south of Evanston, WY) at the boat ramp[/center]
[center]Date: February 5, 2011[/center]
[center]Registration Fee: $25.00[/center]
[center]Times: Check in starts at 6:30am, you may pay registration at this time[/center]
[center]At 7:30 am we will start the tournament and it will go until 2:30 pm. From 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm will be the measuring.[/center]
[center]Rules: Participants will be allowed to register only one trout (rainbow, brown, cutthroat), so bring the longest one. Only trout 16 inches of length or greater will be eligible for the derby. Anglers are encouraged to release all trout less than 16 inches. Furthermore, if anglers catch a trout over 16 inches but they do not expect it to win a prize they are encouraged to release the fish. Anglers may use up to 2 lines (poles) while participating in this derby. Anglers using more than 2 poles will be disqualified. The longest three fish win prizes. You must have a valid Wyoming fishing license and abide by all Wyoming Game and Fish Guidelines. Failure to follow Game and Fish Regulations will result in automatic disqualification and forfeiture of entry fee.[/center]
[center]Prizes: Longest Fish 30% of Total Entry Fees[/center]
[center]Second Longest Fish 20% of Total Entry Fees[/center]
[center]Third Longest Fish 10% of Total Entry Fees[/center]
We will also hold a 50/50 raffle during the contest, with the drawing being done at the end of the day at the boat ramp. All proceeds of this tournament will go to the Evanston Thunder Competitive Softball Team. Try to call in prior to the tournament and pre-register. On the day of the tournament, we will sign up on a first come first serve basis. Let’s have a great time and good luck to everyone! For questions or pre-registration please contact Cassidy Tynsky at (307) 679-7377.
Derby is tomorrow, I'm stoked and greatfull to all that are planning to make the trip to help us out. Looking to be a good turn out.
Perchski if my company wanted to donate some extra to your cause who do we make the check out too? Also we will see you tomorrow.
You can make it out to Evanston Thunder. That is very generous and greatly appreciated. Karma will definitely be on your side. Thank you very much and we are looking forward to meeting you tomorrow. Good luck!
I think it's awesome what you guys are doing getting this derby back up... My dad and I with a bunch of friends always used to go up there a few years ago then they all the sudden stopped??? Whatever happened to the Lions Club hosting the Derby? One year it was great, next year it was no more. Or did I just miss something?

We're heading on a cruise otherwise we'd prob be there. Hopefully it's a great turn out and it gets put on again next year!
I appreciate the words. We are looking to make it an annual event again so hopefully we'll see ya in future derbies. The reason we started this is so that these kids just have a chance to play ball. I don't really know the facts on why the Lions Club stopped. I just thought it would be fun for everyone to do something up here again. We are not a major organization, it is actually all being done by mostly my wife, me, some players parents, and my 14U and 12U girls softball teams. We have had some help from a few local businesses and advertising help from the Evanston Chamber of Commerce, Uinta County Herald, and the local radio station. Since I'm on the rant I need to express that the Wyoming Game and Fish has been great as well as Uinta County personnel, and the Director of the Evanston Parks. A big thanks to Murdoch's, Redi Services, Wal-Mart, Best Western, and Howard Johnson. One other thing that I can't help but mention is that one guy in particular that has helped has a son on the Green Bay Packers so I'll be rooting for them. He's an old BYU player so I'm sure most of you can guess who it is. For the record I am not a BYU fan, wish they would have stayed in the Mountain West.

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