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Oneida report
I haven't heard anything about Oneida for a while. Anybody got the good word?
I'm going to go out on a limb here but my guess is that it is still very slow and possibly bad edges... Oneida always is one of the first places to thaw.. For the fact of the very warm spring dumping into it and the fact it is a pretty fast moving res.. But it's just a guess..
Maybe this cold snap will harden it up a bit, I'd like to catch a walleye through the ice this year anyway.
Come on guys someone has had to have been up there lately, and with the 500,000 walleye stocked yearly someone has got to be catching them, what's the secrete?
well I'll tell you this you want to catch walls on a constant rate from there.. PM me I'll tell you if you really want to know.. It only works for open water for me any way... But I guarente you will catch the 3+ pounders out of there.. My land lord showed me this trick and he catches 6+ pounders on a regular basis from there..
I lived in Mink Creek for 13yrs n NEVER HEARD of one person catching 6+ lbers all the time. Maybe by luck lol... once in awhile I'm sure but that's just me.
MMM I wonder what the trick is? That place is scary on hard deck! I think I'll stick to the river until Spring! How are you anyways? any nice trout lately?
Smiles Always!
Just getting rdy for my annual spring attack on some eyes. [sly] doing great... How are u? I'm sure ill see ya this yr up on the big O right? We should get together n target the eyes on river sometime.
I've caught lots of 6+ lbers out of there, they were just the toothless, golden variety [Wink]
There's got to be some big ones around though right? I wonder if the fish are hanging in the deeper water with current closer to the inlet.
There is a lot of biomass at Oneida, but unfortunately it is mostly the "carp" kind. There are probably some very nice fish in there somewhere, but until the carp are more in control the 'eyes and small mouth are really going to have to compete to grow!

Those golden bonefish are sure fun on a fly rod though. Come on spring!
the guy that showed me where they were and how to atch them has been fishing onieda for a very long time.. He has caught some very very big eyes from onieda.. If he would let me I'll take some pictures of the fish he has caught from there.. And 6+lbs Is very common from there.. At least for the past 3 years it has been..
they are in there... my dad and brother have gotten into them. not like they slayed them and it was non stop action... it was more like one here, one there several weeks later is all
Once the walleyes and smallmouth get big enough to put some hurt on the perch and carp minnows then I am sure they can grow bigger. I haven't caught them, but I don't doubt that they are in there. In fact I would love to catch some, so any tips you may have would be great!

I just think that anywhere there are that many carp, they make it hard of the predators to grow to a size that they can be effective enough to continue to grow to full size.

By the way where do young carp hang out? I don't think I have ever caught or seen any that are smaller than about 15 inches. Don't get me wrong, I think that is a good thing. I am just curious if anyone else has either????
Doing great! Looking forward to Steelhead in the next month. Yes we can hook up there's a spot I googled that I want to try out in the Preston area looks like it might be eye promising. The big eyes I've caught on Oneida have always been deep 30' +++. I wonder if we're going to have even more skunks at camp this year than last? Boy they sure make themselves at home up there!
Smiles Always!
after seeing some of the carp in that place it almost convinces me that they don't hatch from eggs they come out full grown and ready to wreak havok on the inviro.. I know this isn't tru but it's almost worth believing.. As you rarly see any small carp..
I'm thinking the baby carp will likely be more prevalent further from the dam where it is shallower and weedier. I always have fished down closer to the dam, but I believe this year I'm going to give those shallow flats a try closer to the hot springs. I'm sure there are some big walleye in there, and I have gotten into some better smallies as well, I just need to really work on figuring them out this year.
How far up are the hot springs?
After seeing the riverbed in there this last year, I am thinking of giving it a try. There was another spring just on the far side of the riverbed in the Maple HS area. I don't know if it was a warm spring or not, but I could see the round hole it made in the sediment from the road.

Here is where Maple Grove Hot Springs are:

Click on the picture to enlarge it enough to make features visible.
[inline "Maple Gr Hot Springs.jpg"]

Depth of the water closely follows the coloration that you can see in the picture. It is quite shallow in the upper half.
the hot springs are closer to the inlet there are some hot pools there that are public pools like the ones in lava you have to pay but tjey are really nice.. Well nice for being out in the middle of no where... You can't miss them... As you have to drive right over them when traveling from one enf to the other and they are always putting off alot of steam when cold as they are right around 106 degrees.

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