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Is it legal to catch fish at one location (lake) and let them go in a different location (lake/pond)?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
[cool] Hey there theangler, That is a good question. I think we need to check on the site for Cal DFG. It would be nice to help out the population of other areas but then again, what if the lake that you pulled something out of has a chance of cross contaminating another area? Nice thought, but lets investigate.
Yes, I'll check it out on the DFG site. My question would be hypethtical until we find this out. But lets say someone caught some catfish (2+ pounds and up) and let them go healthy in the Duck Park pond on Hiel and Springdale?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
[cool] hey there theangler,

You have to dig deep into the code. Look at 6305,6400, and 15200-15202. those kind of give you the idea that if the fish are not infected by any means that it is ok. But the you look at the SoCal regs section 1.63 and it says that you cannot transport fish alive.........???????????? A little confusing but local section makes it more clear. Good Luck and does anyoe else have any input??????????
[size 1]Something you may run into to is the fish you may release may eat the normal fish stocked there or inhabiting those waters.[/size]

[size 1] Who knows! Fish and Game is the way to go. Remember no releasing alligators in lakes around here [sly][/size]


TheAngler BFT Moderator
here in utah people that do so are called bucket biologist and will get you a healty fine but hey thats utah

To my knowledge it is illegal to A: transport live gamefish and B: transplant fish from one body of water to another, but that has never stopped me and Cerritos Regional seems just fine...............................................


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