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utah lake white bass
got off work about 9:30am today after a 151/2 hout graveyard shift got talked into just running down to look at the ice on utah lake i was like no prob 30 mins or so and i could go home and get some sleep but little did i know that even tho the lake had ice on it the white bass was on fire 3hours later we went home with these there was only the 2 of us and more work then i bargined for [inline 370838859781.jpeg]
oh and we was at the af boat harbor if you get a chance take the kids
Holy crap! Now thats what I call a day of fishing!
Way to kick some late Ice season UL Bass!!!
we tried the lindon harbor and didnt get a bite
no idea about provo
If the weekend storm doesnt ruin my plans would love to take the grand son out. Did you fish through the ice? worried about safe ice. Since you said didnt get a bite at lindon and didnt know about provo were you at AF boat harbor?
please dont try and walk on the ice dont want to hear about you on the news we was just jigging through the ice standing on the docks all i did was kick a the ice to open a hole big enough to fish through
I'll second that. I did see a guy tentatively walking on it today, but you wouldn't catch me on it from here on out. It looks like a cold swim waiting to happen.
That answers my question thanks for the info.
Holy Walleye Fodder, Batman! That is an impressive 3 hours fishing!
Man - you slammed em! So after 15 hours of work, and 3 hours of tug and lift - then how long does it take to clean all them buggers!

Was there open water? I know some folks've been dusting off their tubes and tunes...

Sounds like you got on the right place at the right time. I gotta make the trip down with my son one of these days.
Thanks for the post! Sounds like it was worth staying up!
i made my dad clean them all i went to sleep we was standing on the dock in A.F. boat harbor and kicked a hole in the ice next to the dock im sure they will be there as soon as the sun comes out again and its a bit warmer

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