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hey there! anyone know when they will be stocking the community ponds? i fished the cove pond today and there were practically no fish, im aching to get into some action, if you know anything that would be great!
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Look at under fish stocking...
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You been out pa?
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Yep. Both Herriman and Willow were stocked early in the week with Rainbow and Albino . Fished Willow first with fairly good success with your Pink Floyd, and your 4 feather.
(need more 4 feather please). Switched to spinning rod and
did well on Jakes Lake Lure. Don't think I will fish willow much anymore. It is getting harder and harder for me to handle the riff raff that have taken over there, doing what they want as much as they want with no regard for any rules
or any one else. We all know who they are. Numerous calls to the fish cops have gone unheeded. So I best fish elsewhere before I get in trouble.
Herriman is fishing well with black,purple,and white wolleybuggers. The Albino prefer the purple bugger. When I spinfish there I always have great success with a 3in pink berkley power worm 5-9 ft under a bobber with no weight, on a #10 red hook. Will catch fish any hour of the day with this set up. Have been told the ponds are scheduled to be planted with catfish late May and early June.
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thanks for the info guys! and yes i do agree some ponds are being completely mistreated, trash everywhere, ridiculous amounts of fish being kept, yeah i know what you mean. anyway, i think i missed something, when you guys say herrmian pond are you talking about the cove? or herriman beach? cuz i was at the cove yesterday and theres no way it was planted yet, i tried everything haha.
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I am talking the Cove and yes it was planted. The planter truck was there anyway. LeastI think it is called the Cove. It is the one at Rose canyon.
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I stopped at Willow Pond last fall just to have a look-see.
While I was there, I notices 4 men on the dock chumming and catching fish.
I mentioned this a gentleman that was walking by me.
He was wearing a Community Fishing Club Vest, so I asked him if he fished there very often.
He replied that he did. I asked him what he knew about the 4 men on the dock.
His reply really bothered me.
He stated that these guys fish there every day and take over limits of fish every day.
I asked him why he didn't call the hotline and he didn't have an answer but rather just shook his head in disguest about what was happening and walked away.
I called the hot line and reported what I had seen and within a few minutes, I got a call back from a CO that said that he would stop by and investigate the complaint.
I had to leave but the CO called me back about 1 hour later and thanked me for the report.
Two of the men didn't have licenses. One had over his limit and one was not cited for any violations.
Why don't more of us make a call to the hot line when we see violations?
We complain here but this isn't the right place to do something about it.
Call the DWR hot line and make a report.
The number is on your fishing license.
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Good on you are part of the SOLUTION rather than a complainer.
Yes I can see the other side as folks would rather avoid a confrontation and such but yes a phone call can and has gone a long ways...we are all responsible to be the eyes and ears for our fisheries.
Good on you for being that person.
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definitely agree with you guys, we all have to do our part if we wanna see things improve. ive never personally made a call but, i can speak spanish (not pointing fingers here) and i have talked to many people that were doing something they shouldn't. really most of the time they just simply dont know because they dont take the time to educate themselves, so i talk to them and make them aware without being rude. its very relative though and i agree with you guys a 100%
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You too are part of the SOLUTION and my thanks to you for educating and being an adult and talking to some of our friends about rules and such.
Now to P off some folks but language barriers are no excuse for "Not knowing the rules" but that topic will get me banned and shunted from the society! [:/]
Thanks again for being multi lingual and trying to help educate. I respect ya for that. I know this is not the case for all but it is and has proven to be an excuse or reasoning... I call BS!
OK Ban and remove post! Q out
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I have made the call numerous times, and waited for over an hour for a CO to come but they never did. Most times I never even got a call back. Listen, I know they are busy and can't be everywhere. There was no need to classify me as a "complainer".
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I didn't mean to come off as calling anyone here a complainer.
My point is that when we see someone committing a violation, call the hot line.
I was actually disappointed in the man at the Pond, for seeing the same people committing the same violations for several days in a row and not calling on it.
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thanks fish1on[  ] you do make a very good point, no matter what language you speak its your responsibility to find out what the regulations are, period. i think that everyone here wishes for the welfare of our fisheries and everything you guys have said is 100% legitimate. no one here is complaining in my eyes, you are all responsible fisherman and we want our voices herd.
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pa, I too have called and not SEEN the results. I have tripped over line on the banks to find a spool at one end and stuck in the grass along the shore and at the other end, several hooks with bait.
Ignorance has never been an excuse for the law, but, now I feel, allot of times nothing is done for fear of "discrimination" charges.
My favorite out there and one day I will get a picture, is the old guy puffing away on a cigarette UNDER the no smoking sign. I absolutely love that one.
But, I agree with DKS. Call, anytime you see wrong. Even if nothing gets done, you know you did try.
I prefer not to talk to them as you just don't know how they will take t.
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when it comes to walking along the weber and i find rods with multiple hooks/snagging hooks on them and no one around i promptly smash them, pick them up and then throw them away. ive found 7 like that now.... i should keep those things and try to sell them for 10 bucks a piece
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[quote pa]I have made the call numerous times, and waited for over an hour for a CO to come but they never did. Most times I never even got a call back. Listen, I know they are busy and can't be everywhere. There was no need to classify me as a "complainer".
Sorry Pa, comment was not supposed to be directed to you or any one person. I was commenting in a "generalized" form.
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[quote fish1on]. . . Now to P off some folks but language barriers are no excuse for "Not knowing the rules" but that topic will get me banned and shunted from the society! [:/]
. . .OK Ban and remove post! Q out[/quote]
I disagree! +1 to that!
You're right on the money in MY book (yes - it's written in American, aka English). Besides - the way our government is going - I'd bet there's 'alternate' language versions of the fishing procl.
If you can't read a street sign - you shouldn't be driving - if you can't follow the fishing rules, you shouldn't be holding a rod (or leaving one on the shore).
Bugs me every time at the ATM that I have to answer that first question regarding language.
I got checked this weekend, then had a nice chat about Walleye with the guy. I commend the guys for doing their job.
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[quote CoyoteSpinner][quote fish1on]. . . Now to P off some folks but language barriers are no excuse for "Not knowing the rules" but that topic will get me banned and shunted from the society! [:/]
. . .OK Ban and remove post! Q out[/quote]
I disagree! +1 to that!
You're right on the money in MY book (yes - it's written in American, aka English). Besides - the way our government is going - I'd bet there's 'alternate' language versions of the fishing procl.
If you can't read a street sign - you shouldn't be driving - if you can't follow the fishing rules, you shouldn't be holding a rod (or leaving one on the shore).
Bugs me every time at the ATM that I have to answer that first question regarding language.
I got checked this weekend, then had a nice chat about Walleye with the guy. I commend the guys for doing their job.[/quote]
Don't you mean you agree?
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No - I disagree that HIS post should be banned or removed. I personally think it was a good point.
Sometimes even 'native' English speakers don't understand the rules. Point being - if you buy a license you're responsible for the rules. If you don't even buy a license - well....
I've seen folks fill a stringer at a 2 fish pond, by grabbing one of their many kids after they hookup and saying - here's yours. Now I don't mind getting the kids involved, and my son asks me to pass him the rod. We kinda tag-team lots of fish in the boat anyway. Rod/Net - it's teamwork. And we do tend to consider our 'collective' limit - though rare if ever approached!!!
But to 'use' that to fill up a stringer - gets edgy. Especially at a 2-fish community pond. Seems they've started stocking those ponds. My closest just got some 400 troutlets. And you can literally cast across that puddle.