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Eastern Idaho Fly Tying Expo
The Eastern Idaho Fly Tying Expo in idaho Falls on Friday and Saturday! April 15th and 16th at the Shilo! Don't forget the Film Festival Friday night!
Have to work that weekend [frown]
I'm going to try and make it Friday night.

Do they sell flies there? If so, what kind of pricing can I expect?
Its really not a place to find discount flies. It is fun to just go and watch some of the best tiers in the world do their thing. There are different levels and kinds of tiers that you can learn from. Some tie practical patterns, others tie artistic flies that are just awesome. You can also check out the vendors and all the newest fly fishing equipment. My kids like going to the the kids table and learning to tie with free materials.

Mostly I just go and "window" shop for a day when I can afford more stuff.

Oh, that sounds like fun. I will have to check it out.
Always wanted to go, but usually I am not around when it happens.

Is there a charge at the door? If so how much?
Free no charge .
They also feature 5-6 Great General Raffles during each day. For five or Ten dollars you can have a great chance to win flys, reels, rods, materials etc. Also Frank Amato Publications is one of the many great vendors feature at the Expo, they always have some killer deals on all their books and videos.
I go every yr and will make it this yr for sure-have to see Eddiefish in action!! He is one of the tyers I believe.[cool]
I will be tying from 8am - 11am on Friday morning! If you really want to see someone who knows what she's doing I think FlyGodess will being tying from 11am -2pm on Friday. [Smile]
I've been wanting to learn how to tie but I've never gotten around to it. Would the Expo be worthwhile for someone like me who doesn't have a clue about tying flies? Or is it more for the "seasoned" tiers?
I think that it is fun for everyone. I really enjoy watching all the different styles of tiers.

[quote Belasko]Have to work that weekend [frown][/quote] That's what sick leave is for[Wink]
The great thing about the Expo is you have a chance to see over 140 tyers in two days. Just about every style of tying is featured. There are World famous guys tying saltwater flys you can't believe to guys like me who just hope to share some knowledge on some favorite patterns for local waters. What ever you fish for or where ever you fish you can find great people at the Expo willing to help you out no matter what your level. It's a great place to start out or help you get better as a tyer. I'm more excited to learn more from the Expo than to try and tie. The great thing is in most case you can sit down one on one with a tyer a learn. I can't wait!!!
They know me too well at work and would know where to look to verify my sick leave. Not to mention two of my coworkers are tying at the expo, so I would have a hard time pulling it off. Not to mention the guilt thing. Dang work ethic![Wink]
I hear's been 4 years since I last called in sick...feel guilty calling in even when I really am sick..especially knowing 2 co-workers are going to have to work 18 hour shifts to cover me being gone...anyways I've lived up here 4 years and always been scheduled to work during the expo..but not this year...really looking forward to it...I'll make sure to say hi to flyfishinggodess for ya it you want [Smile]
So is there anyone that was able to go that wants to share some info with us unlucky ones who couldn't make it????

What was the best thing that you learned?

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