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Has anyone ever used SEP’S “mini-micro” pop gear? I’m planning on taking my 3 year old out trolling in the boat more this year and I wanted the lightest tackle available so it’s not too hard for the little guy to real in. the problem I’m a little worried about is that there is no front rudder on the pop gear. Can this cause line twist?
I want to make sure the first couple times out are nothing but a positive thing, as anyone with small children know the littlest things can cause major meltdowns. I’d hate for a birds nest and the little guy to not be able to use his “Toy Story, Buzz Light Year fishing pole”. Any info would be great, thanks!
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I use it alot when trolling. I hate the feel of pop gear. I use it with a regular spinning pole with a 1 or 2 oz in line weight.
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You might also use a small flasher for the same effect. They mostly use swivels on both ends to avoid line twist and are an effective attractor.
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if you would like one with a rudder let me know maybe we can make you one with the pattern and colors you want
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Dunno if it would add too much weight but I've seen "keel sinkers" that have a little keel on them that might help with the line twist. The ones I remember had an eye on one end and a snap on the other end with a short bead chain that had the weight cast right over it connecting them.
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It will cause MASSIVE line twisting. Use a bottom bouncer with a 1/2 ounce weight for an easy fix, but it adds more weight and influences the landing of a fish. Better that then 10 minutes of untwisting the line only to have it ball up again and again... Make sure to put a foot or 2 of line behind the bottom bouncer, and n front of the pop gear.
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Maybe this is a dumb question, but wouldn't a swivel solve your line twist problem?
To infiniti, and the pond!
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Thanks for all the good ideas!! I think I’ll try the small inline sinker idea out tomorrow, maybe a ¼ ounce. I’ve found a pop gear/Rapala combo that makes 30-50 fish days a common thing up at east canyon but it’s all within the top 20’ or so of the water column so I don’t want to get to heavy.
Thanks tlarson for the offer, that’s mighty decent of you. I can find all kinds of spoon blades online for making pop gear, but I can’t seem to find any of the rudders. Do you have a website or a place that you order your components from?
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Was just thinking, (dangerous I know) but how about getting a piece of scrap plexiglass trimming from Home Depot or Lowes and making your own keel? It would be easy to trim it to the size you want with a grinder, you could drill some holes in it on each end to hook a snap swivel in & you'd be in business.
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You've got some good advice and feedback.
I've used those trolling, and even casting - even from shore. I wouldn't worry too much about line twist - they do have swivels, you can always add more upstream too. But keep it close to the pops. Keep in mind - when you reel in - you'll have the length of the pop-string, as well as whatever length of leader you put behind it. But the time your kid reels in that Spidey rod - he'll need to be in the front of the boat, or holding it up high to land/net a fish.
But my boy and I do it - tag team!
I haven't found the smaller ones to cause too much drag. I like to match the blade color to my lure - part of the same school. I have found the bigger pop gear to cause so much drag that sometimes you don't even know if there's a fish on still (till it leaps!)
I've mostly moved to putting the bigger pop-gear on the ball of a downrigger, and maybe a dodger on the line ahead of the lure, that way it's all fish once there's a strike.
You might want to plan on respooling new line on the kiddie rod. They usually come with pretty crappy line. THAT'll cause more birds-nests than anything!
Now who wants to start a debate about the merits, demerits of rubber snubbers?!
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Another swivel won't help. The gear already has 2 swivels. And no they do not work with a darn. There has to be a rudder to stop the twisting. Go ahead and try running that gear without a rudder of any kind. But bring the stop-gap solution and after the line twists up be prepared to implement it. Make sure to untwist the line before adding the rudder/stop-gap measure.
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Try Jann's Netcraft for trolling rudders.
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No another swivel wont help, but a quality ball bearing swivel will. I pull crawler harnesses with large blades 50ft behind snap wieghts all the time with no twist. Dont buy the crap swivels and get GOOD ball bearing ones and you wont have any problems. Rudders are for cheap swivels.
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Trolling or not, with little kids, it has always been a good idea to bring an extra spool of line along.
If you get twist, you can remove all terminal gear and let the line out behind your boat. Five minutes or so of trolling should get all of the twist out.
Enjoy the trip and your child, and don't even think about trying to fish yourself-- a futile exercise in frustration!!!