05-07-2011, 09:00 AM
Hit the river early with my friend Mike. The plan was to try for some stripers early and perhaps some spots later. It was a typical river fishing day. We started with some White Bass, then a Smallie, and Mike hooked up with a good one, oops it was a Drum of about 11#. It got put back before I could get a picture. About 8:45 we were about to make our last drift when I hooked up with a pretty good fish, followed it downstream under the railroad bridge and finished the fight in more open, slower current water. It was a fat 18.2# Rockfish/Striper. Much fun and Mike did a great job of missing the bridge pilings with the boat and netman. Well you can&#39;t quit when they are biting, (it&#39;s a fishing law), so we ran back to the dam to try another drift. The stripe came from Drumking&#39;s &quot;special spot&quot; and on his favorite bait. Next drift same spot, bam another strong hit and down the river we go. To make a long story shorter we finally got the fish up and were greeted with a 16# __________Blue Cat ugh!! Talk about a let down. That thing made a couple of drag burning runs just like a Striper. Oh well, that is the river for you. No more action, decided to head down to try some Smallie spots. No luck there. Moved on down the river to try and wear out some more of MrWhisker pet spots. Did just fair there as the wind got up and we decided to make a quick stop for some redbreast. <br /><br />All told we caught 17 spots,7 white bass, bluegill, redbreast, rock bass, blue cat, striper, smallie, and a golden shiner. As I said a typical river fishing day with lots of variety. Mike actually caught several nice spots, but I took a picture of a little one. Don&#39;t want him getting the big head. <br /><br />Saw Richard Simms with a couple of fishermen throwing chic-fillet at the kitties. His fishermen were at the ramp when i was putting in and they asked if I was Richard Simms, I said good gosh no, he is an old dude with gray hair and a bum shoulder and a wore out boat. I am sure they will be back for another trip soon. emoPoke<br /><br />As my old guiding partner used to say &quot;KEEP YOUR TIP UP&quot; <br /><br />Regards, Labman