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Is there Walleye in Cache Valley?
MMMMMMM! Yep there are Walleye in that floody mess! Spring is SOOO FUN!
Smiles Always!
Nice catch cuz!!! I am so jealous.
+1 to that!

I'd change that title to ARE there - cuz you dun put plural all over that post! Don't call yourself QUEEN for nuthin!

And let me guess - that's your lucky straw hat, no?
What time's dinner!!!!!

Thanks for the encouragement. Again - I got wurk to do!!!!
Nice work... some good eatin' there.
Wow incredible!!! Nice fish.
Hey Cuz! Get out there they are all over in the flooded out weeds. I threw a bunch of em back just for little ol' you! Missed a 30"er 10llb++ right at the boat flipped off my curly tail Sunday before I could net it. In need of a net man!LOL!
Smiles Always!
Isnt spring time a BLAST!!!! I don't dare to post any of mine cuz i dont know how to bleep out the background and there would be a million ppl from Idaho hitting my spots lol... We are hitting the Narrows area for the next five days [sly][sly]

GOOD FISHIN MA!!!!!!!!!! KEEP IT UP........
Awesome! Good job, lady.
Nice fish! So I guess even if people's backyards get flooded this week on the bright side they could catch walleye and catfish off their back porch![fishon]
If you don't mind sharing, what lures did you use to catch them?
Thank you everyone! dma I hear ya on bleepin the photo. I had a rough time posting the Eye's. I think I figured out how to do it in paint with my Mothers Day outing! Took a bunch of friends out for dutch ovens and kitty kats.FUN TIMES!
Smiles Always!
No Prob kiddo. Pearl curly tail at least 3" with yellow or plain jighead(Willard Bay) Wipers like em too. Bear river I use multi colored curly tail with glow in the dark jig heads...or just the glow jig head with a big ol' nighty nighty. Keep it movin don't let it sit.
Smiles Always!

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