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Enough has been said on this topic, but I am going to throw some more pennies in the pot. This is directed at all of the comments of a like nature I have read on this and other forums. I think this phrase is becoming a pet peeve and trigger phrase for me to get on my soap box! [laugh][laugh]
I probably catch and release most of what I catch anymore, but I still eat fish, freeze fish, and even can fish. If I could, I would still smoke fish too. I have even eaten carp. I have never wasted fish, or "freezer burned" fish. It kind of annoys me as I see this generalized comment or label of --"freezer burning, fish waster" that is being applied to all who take fish home.
Not every one who takes fish home, throw them in the freeze and then just throw them out later. It has become the Internet forum label for anyone who doesn't catch and release everything, and I consider it wrong and derogatory.
It is a negative comment, that has been thrown out there into cyberworld so much that, now people start to believe it and look with scorn on those that take fish home. Comments such as "well there goes a good fish to the freezer burned trash pile" Or "you should have released that so I could catch it", add up to about the same thing in my opinion.
The comment I made earlier in other posts still stands ---- if it is legal, then it is our choice. Fish limits are a F&G policy decision. Let them know your thoughts and concerns. Let Fish and Game regulate the fisheries! They may not be perfect, but they do a pretty good job of keeping a niche fishery out there for just about everybody.
Allow everyone to make their own choice on what to keep and what to release, and I will try and give each of you the same courtesy. Share the fun, don't rain on the parade!
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AMEN! I love to eat and catch fish and I get tired of people who don't understand that!!! But my wife doesn't like fish so I end up releasing a-lot of them.
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And another AMEN!!
Great post ....
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+1 more. cpierce, you always offer pearls of wisdom! Add me to the list! ![[Image: bobwink.gif]](
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+1, thanks for saying it! You all know I fish to eat but because of the attitudes I get for it I don't post no more. And just to let people know if you take care of your catch correctly it will not go to waste.
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Another plus 1 from me as well. I have smoked carp in the past and they are good out of cold water and smoke up great as they are oily. Growing up in WI. we had a locker plant that would smoke spring run suckers for us. They spawn in the streams the same time the walleye did. We couldn't fish these streams during the walleye spawn but were allowed to catch suckers by hand. We did this at night with a pair of waders and a flashlight, talk about a blast, especially if you had a little liquid libration to help keep you warm or make you act a little braver. It was fairly common to see someone fall on their tail or take a header in that cold water in the spring. AHHH, I miss those old days when life was simple.[cool]
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[cool][#0000ff]No - no - no. You got it all wrong C. You FREEZE fish in the freezer. You BURN fish in the oven.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sadly, there are still a lot of "throw-back" anglers who really don't like fish but insist on keeping everything they catch...just to show off when they get home. What other people don't take to eat goes in the freezer until it is thrown out to make room for more. And these are the same folks who complain about F&G not stocking enough fish when they can't take home a limit on their next trip.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I post a lot about keeping fish and cooking fish. I DO keep a lot of catfish, perch, white bass and other prolific species...and I do prepare and eat them in a lot of different ways. We like fish and always enjoy new recipes. Seldom have more than a couple of packages of fish in the freezer and it never stays in long enough to go bad.[/#0000ff]
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Heck, I burn fish on top of the stove too! [laugh][laugh][laugh]
You are right, TD, there are morons and wasters everywhere. Whether they fish with bait or a fly rod some people have no respect for anything or anyone. We will never be rid of them. For each positive example there is going to be a negative one too, but I object to the attitude that many have that EVERYONE that keeps fish are wasting them and wrecking the fishery.
I know that the writing of the regulations and limits is a tricky balancing act, and sometimes things don't always work out for the best. An extreme in either direction is not good. Both too much harvest or too much catch and release can be a problem. Sometimes F&G is practically begging people to take some fish home with them to reduce the population.
I fish with a fly rod and many of my flies are barbless, because I don't always keep all that I catch, and I prefer to fish that way. Usually I only keep panfish, --- I love the taste of the prolific little buggers! I have my way of fishing and I respect that there are others who fish differently. I am not going to insist that everyone fish my way. It isn't the best for everyone, so choose your own way.
I have been fishing nearly every day this past week, but haven't kept any. I have been on 4 different little creeks with native cutthroats that I don't even take out of the water. Some are legal to harvest, so I really wouldn't bat an eye if someone else kept some. Personally I think there are better fish to eat, but if it is legal I am not going to run up and say "hey, don't waste that fish"! (But I am also not going to name the creeks! ])
The point is that I don't consider eating fish as wasting them, nor does it automatically destroy the resource. There does need to be moderation and regulation.
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Sorry you don't post much anymore. There will always be a vocal few that you just have to ignore. The majority here support legal harvest. They just don't say as much.
I know that you take good care of your catch. I think you are a great example of those that do not waste their fish. They go from water to ice in the cooler, and I think that is great!
Anyway glad you commented, but I would love to see some photos of what Avery is catching now. I bet he has become a pretty amazing fisherman!
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I have to laugh on the visual of chasing sucker by hand! I have done that with salmon (as a kid), and it is a lot harder than you would think!!!
I have also eaten "northern pikeminnow" and I think sucker, but I can't remember for sure. That was a while back. They were great smoked and canned. They made some amazing cracker dip!
Like I told my kids, "if you are going to shoot it. you better be prepared to eat it." I am will to venture into trying most fish if they are from clean water. The carp was quite good, but a bit of a pain to prepare.
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+1 couldn't agree more.
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nothing better than a big ol brook trout from henry's lake in my smoker.
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Very well said. I too practice C&R 95% of the time but I am just fine with someone keeping fish if its within the bounds of the law.
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Thank you for this post. Ron
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Rod, I have been wondering where you were. man there are people that miss seeing your posts and BS ing with you. lets here what your up to. Ron
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The great thing about fishing is that you have a choice of what to do after the catch. Keep it or toss it back. I couldn't count the times I have been given whole deer, or elk quarters, or moose meat, and a guy offered me a whole buffalo minus one meal, but I only took maybe 50 pounds. I hate wasting game and I know if I didn't take what was offered, some dogs were about to be real happy.
I've filleted carp and cut into big nuggets and fried. It was great. Don't knock it til you try it.
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This goes hand in hand with the sucker killing topic I think. How many folks will catch, kill and waste suckers, but chide those who catch, kill and eat other species? My bet is a lot. Personally, I don't like to waste. You kill it, you eat it, and that's how I'm raising the chillens.
I don't like to let my fish hit the freezer. Any I keep will be eaten within a day or two, just fine in the fridge. If I keep too many, which happens occasionally, they go to a buddy of mine who is down for fish anytime. The only waste I get is what gets away from my fillet knife, and my skill keeps on increasing with that.
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[quote AverysAdventure]+1, thanks for saying it! You all know I fish to eat but because of the attitudes I get for it I don't post no more. And just to let people know if you take care of your catch correctly it will not go to waste.[/quote]
I wondered where you went. Dont let stuff like that bother you.
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I'm too damn old to learn to speak in an eloquent manner but you pretty much said it for me. Thanks from an old bastard that has a tough time getting his point across...luck in everything and tight lines...Mike
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I'm going to make some general comments that may offend some, so be it. In my younger days, I probably kept far to many fish and froze what I'd thought I'd eat latter and didn't. I do like to eat fish!!!!
Anyway,after a long time I figured out that my hording was ill advised. Now I very, very seldom freeze any. I seem to be good enough now to catch enough for a few dinners now and go again. [  ] That keeps me out there catching. [  ]
Now, the comment to start a negative response. In the past years I have froze fish and it got very, very old. But.--------, I didn't through it out!!!! What I did do is use it as a supplement to Sparky's food which is great protein. Yeah, I know, still doesn't excuse my lack of good conservation and good sense, ( True confessions) but, well it didn't go to waste and Sparky's a valid member of the family, so maybe you guys can give me a break and forgive me, especially now that I've turned over the proverbial leaf, and learned better.[  ] Yeah, Sparky still gets a little supplement but not freezer burned and still fresh. Not much though since I truly love eatun em.
[url "../../../cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=cpierce"]cpierce[/url] - I have eaten a lot of carp by simply frying the fillets in butter and they taste every bit as good as most fish!!! If the fish is big enough the bones are easy. They do have to be from fresh water though. They seem a little more greasy" and even a little stronger, but I like that.They aren't as mundane ad Utah's favorit fish, trout. [laugh] Yes,I rank em above trout. WOW [shocked]