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Went out to Mantua with my dad, expecting to catch some decent bluegill. After a few small fish, my dad hooked into a 3+ lb bass. It was a great way to start off the day! We stayed from 8-2 and caught tons and tons of fish. Ended up keeping about 5 bluegill, and 6 bass. 4 of the 6 were 2.5 lbs and bigger. Best trip up there in a while..
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P.s. - I was surprised in the size of them today.. Before todays trip, never caught a bass bigger than 1.5 lbs.
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That's awesome!
I was out there from 7am-1pm today. Hooked into 3 bass that each popped my friggin' line (I should know better than to use the string that comes with my reel).
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Oh really?! I think I saw you.. Which boat were you in? I was in the war eagle camo one with the longshaft motor. Next time we should hook up and go!
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14' aluminum. Red hat. Running motor with my leg while standing and cussing at trees. We you in the northeast section, but out in the open waters just a bit?
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Yeah that was me!! I was in the blue shirt.
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It is sure a good thing all the bass guys let them bigger sized fish go or there probably wouldn't be any in there for you to catch by now. Just my 2 cents. NJ
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i saw you!! i was in the red pontoon boat with gas motor! i got one bass on the three weight that went maybe 2 lbs but was a blast on the small rod, a billion tiny gills, 2 that went maybe 10 inches and finished the day with one more little bass. the ramp was a freaking circus when i was trying to load up so i parked on the beach.
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Yeah I saw you too! You were almost to the top of the knoll fishing under that tree! And Basshunter, we caught many more 2+ lb fish, we released them though. You have to let some big fish go.
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[quote BassHunter1]It is sure a good thing all the bass guys let them bigger sized fish go or there probably wouldn't be any in there for you to catch by now. Just my 2 cents. NJ[/quote]
I'm not sure what your deal is, but you're a pretty negative newton from all your posts I've seen. Jab here, poke there. Why you pickin your bones here? But hey - welcome to the site.
Can I suggest you check the proclamation, and see what the limits are before bagging on someone for their CHOICE of whether to C&R or C&keep. There used to be a limit of only 1-bass over 12" at Mantua (and elsewhere), but a 6-bass limit, but that changed this year - took out the 12" limit.
Why? Ask the DNR - they are the ones that MANAGE the fisheries.
IF you notice someone taking more than their LEGAL limit, or exceeding a given slot - by all means bring it up. The forum has a policy about that. But to rail on someone for being proud of a good quality LEGAL bag - IMHO - has no place here.
Don't get me wrong - it is a point of debate, and has been wrassled to and fro. But the C&R mentality is NOT the one and only correct approach to managing a fishery. Can hurt some waters, and does lead to lots of little stunted fish, and not enough forage to allow for growth. The move from the 1x12" is a point of contention. We'll see what impact it has over the long run.
But I'd also suggest one look at the impact of tournaments on fish mortality. Tournaments target the biggest fish - for SURE! (all those competitive types)
Fish may be released after a day on a stringer in a live well, but how well do they survive? What does releasing them in a different location do to them, in regards to territory, environment etc.
How many people do you know go out an intentionally target the smallest fish to feed the grill? I personally believe in SELECTIVE HARVEST. I won't take the smallest fish (not worth taking their life for a minuscule fillet - give them a change to grow up, or feed a bigger fish I say), but at the same time I won't take the biggest fish. A 20 pound cat, or 35 lb Mack does more as a spawner, and isn't as good 'eatin' fish anyway. Now a 3-8lb Cookie Cutter - if I get a chance to fill a stringer - I will, and I won't feel bad about it (hmmmm - smoked kitty!).
Would you be one to complain about folks taking a limit (where there is none) of White-bass from a place like Utah Lake?
FishnMonkey - I'll say congrats. I'd love to know more about what you used, what depths you found worked. Would enjoy seeing pics of those nice bass. But understand if you wouldn't want to post it in public. (pm would be great)
Did a bit of dock-tangling myself down there last night - messed with some perch and gills. Few teen-bass follows, but no takers. Need to get out and float it.
Thanks for the post.
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I agree with Coyote on this one. I am a C&R guy myself, but if people choose to keep their limit, that is fine by me. The DNR analizes the numbers every year to see what they feel is in the best interest of the species and fishery. If you want to remind someone to practice selective harvest, that is fine, but do it with some tact. Not every critique has to be negative. Explaining to someone that they might want to be mindful of what they keep so the bigger ones can reproduce makes you look a lot less arrogant than saying, "boy that was sure nice of me to make it so you can catch nice fish. Thanks for ruining for the rest of us!" A lot of people honestly don't think about it that way. Education is more productive than arrogance I guess is the point I am getting at.
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It really depends on what the DNR has in mind for that fishery. Take newton for example. The muskies are going nuts in there, which is fine, but look at the rest of the fishery. Every other species in there is swimming around with their eyes bulging out of there heads, scared shitless. You can't keep a muskie and it's hurting the rest of the fishery. If you knew how many are in there it would blow your mind. I guess my point is that using the DNR as a basis for your argument on what is ok to keep and whats not is a bad example. I know they make the rules but the logic that is used is no better in my opinion than yours or mine. Is mantua suppose to be a tropy bass fishery or a tropy planter trout fishery? Does it make sense to let people keep 6 bass of any size? I guess we will find out soon enough what the impact will be. I'm all about C&R but I won't hesitate to give a big one the club if it's within my legal rights either. But there is also a difference in what's legal and what's right.
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Again, I feed my family with fish I catch at times. So slam me all you want! Don't give a [angelic] what you think. If I feel like letting it go cause I'll waste it I will always let it go. If I know I will eat it I will keep it. Maybe it is a Bass fishing mentality but I like them all and if they can help feed the Fam it is one less $$ at the store. I respect C&R and C&Eat :-)
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Of note - Fishnmonkey "went fishing with his dad".
8 posts - he could be 8 years old for all you know.
How big is a 2lb bass? 12"? (probably bigger, what do I know). That's not a monster in my view. A 5lber plus - now you're gettin to a top-class fish, for a largie anyway.
If you wanna give me carp - have at it. I'm an old fart, I can take, I can dish it, hell I've been know to grill it or smoke it, too. But remember please - this is a family friendly board. And as Jdawg points out, education is one thing, ridicule is another. And personal opinions should be - just that.
Pharticus - did you take your boys out? You've got some good lil' anglers there! Sounds like you've been down Mantua way quite a bit of late. No Skylers till next spring!
I think it's time to crack into a D-DDP. I'll save the calories for the REAL BEER gut myself [cool]
Smoked salmon for lunch. My coworkers love it when I warm fish in the microwave!!!! [pirate]
Hey - just looked out the window, and the cows are frolicking in the field again! Ahhhh summer!
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[quote 12inchlunker]
Again, I feed my family with fish I catch at times. So slam me all you want! Don't give a shit what you think. If I feel like letting it go cause I'll waste it I will always let it go. If I know I will eat it I will keep it. Maybe it is a Bass fishing mentality but I like them all and if they can help feed the Fam it is one less $$ at the store. I respect C&R and C&Eat :-)[/quote]
Nerve struck! Everybody is so sensitive. If you think that bass guys are bad, just imagine a fly fishing bass guy![cool]
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No No not at all. I don't think bass guys are bad at all! Please don't think that. Seems they are very very much about only fishing BASS which is absolutely ok with me. I have a couple of close friends that have the whole BASS setup, sweet boat, everything. Often jealous. When I can afford that sweet a boat I probably won't need to take any fish home to feed the fam...
Like I said I respect C&R but I also won't give grief to someone that takes some home. That's all I'm saying. I sometimes forget not to type like I talk. Shouldn't swear on here...sorry. Makes me sound mad...:-)
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I hope this was not really meant to be directed at me, because I was actually on your side. I could have mispoken though, so if that is the case, I agree, if you want to have a fish fry with your family, keep it legal and that is all I care. I guess my basic point was you do whatever works best for your situation, and if you feel like someone is doing something that is not in the best interest of the fishing community, it is probably not intentional so there is no problem with informing them politely of the negative reprocussions, rather than attacking. If they disagree, as long as they stay within their limits, I dont care what they do.
I know I am confusing, so let me just summarize myself. I fully support both sides of the spectrum. I have no problem with people keeping some meat for their table.
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Jdawg!!!! My post was for sure not directed at you. Not in the least! I agreed with you 100% actually. Sometimes the post come across wrong because we can't see each others emotions or we don't know who we or others are talking to. It was just my opinion. Your all good really. I was just agreeing with all you guys about the attitude of BASS whatever saying he is the reason we all catch fish. LOL sorry for coming across wrong. Sorry ALL!!
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Ok, good deal. Not a problem at all. I have a hard enough time keeping my thoughts focused enough to make sense when talking, much less typing, so I would not have been too surprised if everyone who read my post ended up doing the following:
[  ][mad][  ][crazy]
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My apologies to all out there except for coyote. (mr know-it-all). I now realize that here on bft the truth about weights gets blown out of proportion. Just curious, who all have a digital scale? Also what do you all think the size regulations should be? I think it should be 6 fish with only on over 14". Those 12" to 14 inchers are what need to be thinned down and there is plenty of meat on them. And coyote my uncle in the dnr has told me they are simply not managing these ponds for bass. They worry that the bass are eating the planter trout. And they like trout because Jo shmow can catch trout. But really bass are very easy to catch as well, especially at mantua. Anyways there needs to be some kind of protection where there are so many people and so few lakes around.