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So coming up in a few weeks I WILL get me a vex or a humminbird, I want to know which unit you guys prefur and why! I'm.not looking at killing the bank so Im just looking at the mid priced one's! ! Any info is very helpful thanks!!!!
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Hi Utcatman...I'm sure you'll get a lot of input but for us its the Vexilar. We have the FL-12 and love them. Got them outta state no shipping or sales tax @ Thorne'll have to see if they offer the same on shipping and sales tax. Got them in about 3 days.
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I have the Vex FL 12 I really like it, but if I were to buy again I would either spend less and get the FL 8, or spend a little more and get the FL 18 for the bottom zoom. Something with a two or three angle transducer would be great also. The 12 has no more features than the 8, just a bigger face and different knob arrangement. But man the Humminbird machines are very nice, I have been considering getting the 45 because it has auto depth adjustment and a dual beam transducer and a bottom zoom and lock, plus.the display is very easy to see even in bright light. But on the other hand there is more to go wrong, and you can't beat the reliability of the Vex.
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I have a Vexilar and a Humminbird flasher. I have always loved my Vexilar(still do), but... for equal money the Humminbird has a lot more features. The Vexilar Fl-8 is price comparable to the Humminbird Ice-35. The ice 35 has twice the power of an Fl 8 and also is dual frequency. All this means is less interference from other units and a narrower or wider beam to select from. The ice 35 has adjustable zoom as well. You're pretty much gonna get something between an Fl-18 and Fl-20 for the price of an Fl-8 if you go with the Humminbird ice 35. Hope that helps.
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My two cents is that I would buy here locally and help local companies and our local economy vs. supporting a Minnesota based musky shop. I would gladly pay tax and possibly help a local company.
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+1 on the ice 35. I have a Vex fl-8. My buddy has the 35. Another has the 55. If you have the cash, go for the 55, but at the lower end the 35 is the way to go. Vex is great, but the hummer has more options for the same price. From what I can see, you are just paying for the name (Vexilar), because I can't tell how the fl-8 is superior to the 35 when the 35 has more options and seems to perform equally, if not better than the vex.
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Thank you all for your input! !!! I guess its strictly preference, thinking the vex will be the way to go.. all of my buddy rock the vex and have no complaints! !!
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Vexilar FL20 w/ Tri ducer hands down.
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I know you said vex or hummingbird but dont overlook Marcum. All of the high end units are amazing. if you compare the 35, the fl8, and the lx1 I think you would probably prefer the lx1. I have the marcum now, had a fl8 in the past and my brother currently has a fl8. All of them will show you fish and change the way you ice fish. IMO the marcum has the best target separation which can be vital with bottom hugging fish (maybe because of higher output power???) The battery will last longer on a vex than on a Marcum though... both will last a full day on the ice though. If you know people that have them I would say try each out, even if it is off the dock into open water just so you can see the difference. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Just enough time to get the pep sticks and jerky made then hit the hard deck! Its coming quick!
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+1 for the Marcum and a ++1 for the Marcum showdown 5.6. This unit is sweet! It has the duel beam transducer, bottom zoom and ½” target separation. My fishing buddies get mad cuz there unit won’t work in close proximity due to the high watt but I love it. The vertical screen is much easier on the eyes after a long day of fishing and the LCD screen has a heater built it so you never get crystal freeze.
Not one of the units you asked about, but one that I believe should not be overlooked. Got it and love it!!!!
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I have fished Vexilars and had a Humminbird 55 for one seaon (I have friends who are staff for Bird so they asked me to test one out when they first hit the market). I lived in MN until two years ago and ice fished at least 50 days a season for perch, pike, walleyes and crappie so I had the opportunity to really test the various flashers. I remain a Marcum fan. Best unit out there. I have used a LX5 for 5 years now and still runs great. The zoom and separation can't be beat. Just got an LX7 and can't wait to test it out.
A bunch of us took a Bird 55, a LX5 and a Vex 20 out for a little competition 2 years ago (back in Minnesota ). Everyone got to use each unit for a couple of hours and votes were collected. Marcum won handily. Marcums are made in the USA and have a very responsive service staff should you every need it. Both big pluses.
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I've been a Vex owner for about 10 years or more. I currently have 3. All are FL8's. Battery life is exceptional. Never ran them down so I do not know for sure how much to expect. I have ran them for close to 20 hrs without charging and they still had life to go. I suspect 24 + hrs for the FL8.
We made a trip down to Fish Lake last year and spent 3 days. Most of the guys had the bigger Vex's. I saw no advantage in them. The dual beam the zoom etc. didn't catch anymore fish than my simple FL8. Have never figured out why Marcum thinks they need more wattage to run their units. I too hate being around them as they cause a lot of interfearance to everyone within several feet of them. I can place 2 vex's within 4 feet of each other and tune them out so there is no interfearance with each other. I have often wondered if the higher output of some of those units can be sensed by the fish. Anywho, vex gets my vote even though I haven't tried othe brands. Can't argue with success.
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I've fished with Vex, Marcum, and Humminbird. I'd say humminbird comes in dead last. Marcum and Vex both have features that make one nice over the other but i've never truly decided which i like more. I don't know how Marcums customer service is, but Vex has amazing customer service which is enough to keep me a customer. I have an Fl-12 and love it.
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It is all based on personal preference. I have also fished with Vex, Marcum, and Humminbird. I bought the Humminbird Ice-55 and absolutely love it.
That said....I could buy a Vex and love it almost as much.
For me, the Humminbird has a few options that I personally like. I enjoy the digital depth reading in the middle of the display. I like the power and I like the color options. I love the zoom feature.
I've never had a problem with it...I love it.