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Slow day at Utah lake
Well my 5 year old daughter and I started the day at 6 am and hit americn fork harbor by 7am. Let's just say it was a little slow( no fish, no bites, and no hits on the fish finder). So after about 1 hr we decided to go over to pelican harbor. Same verse as the first, but my daughter still was having fun. Next was to the pump house and let's just say we should have strews there. I didn't catch any white bass but the perch were going after my daughters bait. We ended up with 4 small perch. I haven't seen my daughter get that excited about catching a fish ever. I think she is hooked and can't wait till new years weekend to head over to pelican lake to catch a bunch of blue gills!!!! Hope everyone else had a better day of fishing.
Great to hear
hay we got into the white bass today if ya want a hot tip pm me and ill give ya a few ideas where to take your daughter my boys fill a couple of 5 gallon bucket in about an hour and a half they had a blast

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